𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏: 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦

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Nala follows me out the door meowing while doing so

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Nala follows me out the door meowing while doing so.

My cheeks are hot and my lips are buzzing from what just happened in the last hour and a half. Rec ain't on what the hell just happened I enter my silent room and close the door behind me.

I walk over to my bed and sit on the edge. I bring my hands up to my lips and feel the remaining feeling of his lips on mine. For my first kiss I think I did pretty well.

Shaking my head away from the thought I get up and grab a towel heading in the bathroom for a quick shower.

After my shower I changed into some black panties and a grey sweater, not liking the feeling of pants when I sleep. I do my nightly routine before grabbing my book and jumping in bed.

Of course Nala makes herself at home right by my side and starts purring. Opening my book from where I left off I start reading. I feel like when the time comes for me to have sex I would be ready from how heavy the smut in this book is. I will admit I'm scared it will hurt from the last time someone did that to me.

My eyes tear up at the thought of my 16 year old self taken advantage of. Father said I deserved it. What father give his daughter to a old ass man?

After I wipe my tear away I don't feel like reading anymore so I put my book on the nightstand and shut the lamp off.

It doesn't take me long to fall into a deep sleep after the events from tonight.

I wake up to a sensation on my inner thighs. The sun is beaming on my face letting me know it morning.

I lift my head up and get the glimpse of Giovanni between my legs holding them on each shoulder. I moan when he licks a stripe up from my slit to my clit.

"Fuck Gio." I rasped out as he sucked on me. He brings a hand up and starts kneading my breast. I place my hand on his and my back arches when he inserts a finger.

"Good fucking girl." He groaned bringing himself up while his finger move expertly inside me.

His lips meet mine, kissing my gently. This give me the opportunity to look down and see his dick fully erect. Oh my god it's so big.

He sees the shock on my face and says, "like what you see bellissima?" While licking the two finger that were inside me before putting them back in.

I moan out when his finger curl hitting that perfect spot. "Oh fuck." My voice is low and in a whimper when I attaches his mouth to my nipple. Grabbing his hair a give it tug, making him groan.

I felt myself getting close to the end. He sped up is finger an-.

My eyes shoot open and I jump up. What the fuck was I just dreaming about?

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