Chapter 3

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Hermione was shocked to see Draco barging into her room like that. She quickly sat up, and was about to tell him to go away, when he spoke first.

"I told you to meet me after dinner, didn't I, Granger?" He asked sneering at her. "I waited for an hour for you," he added.

"I never agreed, Malfoy," she answered back, annoyed at him.

Draco shot her a glare, then waved his wand to repair the door, "Reparo!" He casted, then, "Muffliato!" As an afterthought, he also locked the door magically. (Sorry I don't know the spell for locking doors :)

"Why did you have to do that, Malfoy?" Hermione asked him irritably, deep down she was a bit scared of being in the same room alone with him.

"I helped you with Weasel, didn't I?" He asked in his drawling voice, walking towards her on the bed. To Hermione's surprise, he sat on her bed, still looking at her. "I want my pay," he told her matter of factly.

"What do you want then?" She asked nervously.

"You," he replied, staring at her.

She was taken aback by his answer, she tried looking away from his mesmerizing grey eyes. He really looks handsome up close, and he knew it too, she thought. "How may I help you? Could it wait until tomorrow?" She asked, hoping that he didn't want what she thinks he does from her.

"I want it now, Granger. I waited too long already, three years in fact," he told her seriously, his hands roaming her clothed arm.

"What do you mean?" She asked shocked and nervous at his response.

Draco didn't answer her, instead he held her shoulders firmly and leaned closer, their face a few inches from each other. "I want you badly, Granger," he told her seductively, then closed the gap of their lips.

Hermione was too shocked to move, her body froze as Draco kissed her softly, teasing her with his sweet kisses. His hands were now on her back and nape, keeping her from escaping him.

Draco deepened the kiss when Hermione did not protest, she was still too shock to move. Hermione was scared and excited at the same time when Draco's tongue entered her mouth, his hands which were gliding down her back sent shivers of excitement on her body.

Hermione moaned softly when Draco bit her lower lip, her hand was now tangled on his soft blonde hair, the other on his hard back. He was now kissing her jawline then her neck, while his hands were busy removing her robes.

They moved so he could take off her robes and his too. Draco pushed her gently onto the bed then lay down on top of her, kissing her delicious lips again. He started grinding his crotch on hers, letting her feel his hardened manhood.

Hermione felt so aroused when Draco started dry humping her. "Malfoy, please," she pleaded, wanting more but wanting him to stop too.

Draco ignored her, he started cupping her breasts while sucking the soft spot between her neck and collarbone, Hermione moaned again at this. "I know you want me too, Granger," he whispered huskily, sending goosebumps on her skin.

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