Chapter 5

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Hermione woke up with arms circling her waist and a blonde head on her shoulder. She remembered how Draco Malfoy came to her room last night and how he made her feel. She just couldn't believe what has happened between them in the span of less than twenty-four hours.

It was already the first week of March, and they have shared a Common Room for half a year and spoke begrudgingly to each other due to being the Head Boy and Girl, but now they were sleeping on the same bed as if it was the most obvious thing to do.

She could feel his soft breathing on her neck, glad that he was still sleeping peacefully beside her. She just hopes that he will not hex her once he woken up and realized that she was Mudblood Granger.

As crazy as it sounds, she feels comfortable being this close to her former enemy, but now she didn't know what they are after what occurred the previous night. She closed her eyes again to pretend to sleep, dreading Malfoy's reaction when he wakes up.

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