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rex's pov:-

Several hours had passed since the revelation about Cyria's true identity as Cycilia, the queen of all nations. The weight of this discovery still lingered heavily in the air, leaving us all in slight shock. Zaria remained unconscious, her condition worrying us all. Cyria, or rather Cycilia, had informed us that it would take time for Zaria to recover.

As midnight approached, we found ourselves gathered at Zaria's house. Rufus and the others were in the living room, engaged in earnest discussion about the day's tumultuous events. Meanwhile, I sat alone on the staircase, my thoughts swirling with questions and uncertainties.

Outside in the garden, Cycilia was deep in conversation with the ministers, undoubtedly discussing the implications of today's events and the security measures that needed to be put in place. Her composure and decisiveness in handling the situation were evident, but I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within me.

Cyria had emphasized the gravity of the situation, particularly the fact that she had been attacked while in disguise. It was a sobering reminder of the dangers lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike when least expected.

As Cyria settles beside me,  Her words, though meant to reassure me, only serve to highlight the turmoil brewing within me.

"I know you are worried, but she will be alright Rex," she says, her voice gentle and soothing.

I can't bring myself to respond, the weight of my thoughts pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket. "I wasn't thinking about that," I murmur in a monotone voice, my mind elsewhere.

Silence falls between us, heavy and palpable, as neither of us speaks for a while. The quiet only serves to amplify the tumult of emotions swirling within me, a tempest raging beneath the calm facade I present to the world.

"Why were you in disguise?" I finally ask, breaking the silence that hangs between us. "I was bored," Cyria replies, her gaze fixed ahead. "Bored of being shut off in the castle. It was lonely and so quiet. I had nothing to do except sign papers. All the other things were being handled by the other covens. Even though I rule the most powerful coven, it felt useless to exist." she says with a sigh

As Cyria's words linger in the air, a pang of curiosity stirs within me. How can someone so powerful, so revered by many, harbor a sense of purposelessness? After all, she is hailed as the great goddess, the ruler of the most powerful coven.

But as I ponder her confession, doubts begin to gnaw at the edges of my mind. Is she truly the all-powerful deity that she's made out to be, or is there more to her than meets the eye?

As Wish approaches me, her voice carrying a weight of urgency, I turn my attention towards her. But her words falter as her gaze lands on Cyria, and I watch as she bows slightly in deference, a gesture of respect and submission

"Hey, Rex," Wish begins, her voice soft but tinged with a hint of apprehension.

Before she can continue, I catch sight of someone standing by the doorway, a figure whose presence commands attention even from a distance. It's Zaria's mother, her demeanor regal and imposing ....

Wish's words about Zaria's mother wishing to see me echo in my mind, and I nod in acknowledgment before making my way toward the doorway. As I draw closer, I can feel the weight of her gaze upon me, 

rufus's pov :- 

I watch as Rex strides purposefully toward Zaria's mother, a flicker of curiosity igniting within me. Why is she here? But before I can dwell on it further, Calix draws my attention back, his voice weaving through the chatter around us.

Yet, Rex returns all too quickly, his expression grave. "We have to leave," he declares, offering no further explanation.

"What about Zaria?" I interject, concern etching my voice as I step closer to him.

"Her mother is here, so she'll be taken care of," Rex reassures, his tone clipped. "As for us, she's right. We'll only put ourselves in danger if we stay here after today's attack."

"But what about school? Zaria does have to attend school, after all," Wish chimes in, voicing a worry that had been lingering in my mind.

I meet Rex's gaze again, silently pleading for reassurance.

"I'm sure she'll return on her own," Rex concludes, his tone firm as he turns toward our shared room, signaling our departure.

As we settle into the carriage waiting just beyond the door, a nagging sense of hesitation gnaws at my thoughts. Should we really leave Zaria here alone?

Glancing back toward the house where we left her, I can't shake the feeling that we're abandoning her in a time of uncertainty. Despite Rex's assurances about her mother's presence, doubts linger like shadows in my mind.

But as the carriage lurches forward, the decision is made, and I'm left grappling with the unease that accompanies it. Was it the right choice to leave Zaria behind? Only time will tell, but for now, all I can do is trust in Rex's judgment and hope for the best.

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