Chapter 13: Could She Be?

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The week went by without anything queer taking place, speaking of; ghost fog or smoke whatever appearing or Jeepers Creepers unavailing himself from behind the shadows.

Head over her shoulders day in day out, unease even in places that were supposed to be her safe haven, and sleepless nights were most of what she suffered from ever since the attack.

Nick, Dan, and Mirabelle's phones were restored; Mr Abraham had confiscated them claiming that they spend most of their time on them instead of their job.

They were stunned to find out about Arielline's wounds but with nothing to show for it Dan found it incredulous. I mean, not even she would have believed the fanciful tale if she wasn't the one in the shoe.

She also showed them the twelve keys, and unmistakably there was something cooking. The question was what.

But Dan who moved in with his family when he was eleven, Nick and Mirabelle had lived most of their lives in Twelve Locks Valley but all they narrated were fiddling little details that were already to Ariellines knowledge.

Mirabelle promised to get something out of her grandmother, who was one of the oldest occupants of Twelve Locks Valley, about the keys and Arielline's healing, if she cooperated, and pop the bubble to them during the weekend.

Fortunately, Mr Abraham gave them some space to breathe; a one week recess from the hectic café work, starting this weekend. At least Arielline would have company for some time.

She didn't want to eagerly anticipate Mirabelle's answers, she had a vivid idea of how disappointments felt like, but some part of her was burning to know what was happening to her and what role the keys played.

This could be the part where the witch that had ventured into unknown lands is as addled as a lonely puppy in the streets, after finding herself in the heart of an enchanted forest and all she has to do is piece together a puzzle she barely knows where to start. An ominous cloud lingering in the horizons of the sky she is running out of time.

Dressing sporty had become of her, but she needed to prove that she was healing or at least show some courage in her outfit to avoid unintended attention from her friends.

She decided to go back to her old self. Besides, the storm had ebbed, unless it was lurking for the perfect moment. She shut her pessimism out.

She leaped into a black and white diamond shapes, casual, jumpsuit, whitish translucent stocking, adorned with red heart shapes, red high heels, and to seal the package of beauty she took with her a heart shaped wallet marching her earrings.

The make up could hide the colorless hue her face had taken, the swollenness around her eyes, and the heavy bags below her iris, but her subconscious mind could see through what had become of her.

She could deceive others but not herself, and she didn't like it, not the slightest bit of it.

If there was a shortcut she would have gladly taken it long past, but the path seemed to be nothing less than a mystery upon herself and all those around her.

"Are you done?" Her door was knocked abruptly, Zack's voice breaking through the walls.

"Done doing what?"

"Preparing yourself."


"We have a ghost to catch."

She almost chuckled at how superstitious he sounded but in fact mirrored something that could be taking place in the library.

"I told you. There is no ghost." Her words were filled with doubt that Zack could not miss.

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