✨uh oh✨

64 3 6

same rules as the other one not sure which fonts for each one gonna do it as i go

suns pov

me and ruin were swimming around when ( as usually ) ruin saw something shiny and went to check it out it was a big boat ruin let curiosity get to him and started swimming towards the ship


ruin : " come on sun ! i wanna see what it is ! "


ruin : " pleaseeeee sun "

sun : " HMPH fine but lets be quick so we dont get ourselves killed "

ruin : " THANK YOU !!!!! "

ruin hugged me and we swam to the ship we poked our heads out of the water to see people !?

sun : *whispers* " ok we saw what was on the ship now lets go before it sees us ! "

ruin : " but- "

i didnt let him finish his sentence as i went back under water

ruins pov

i started to pout cuz i didnt want to go back i wanted to go say hi sun wasnt around soooooooo i could ? i swam over to the boat and saw an animatronic it kinda looked like sun but colored like something called candy corn ! ( i had to im sorry i had to XD ) as i clung to the boat the bot stopped what it was doing and looked at me 

??? : " uuuhhhh hi ? "

ruin : " hello !!! ^^ "

??? : " not to be rude or anything but what are you ? "

ruin : " me, oh ima mermaid !! my friends one too, buuuuuut he doesn't like hoomans much "

??? : *snort* " hoomans ? i think you mean human "

ruin : " ya hooman or in your guys case land robos ! "

??? : " you'er a funny mermaid , wheres your friend ? "


i was about to go look for him when he poked up right next to me 

sun : " RUIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING !?!? "

ruin : " saying hi !! ^^ " 

sun : " your gonna get us killed one day by saying hello to a siren "

ruin : " i cant help if im fun and your grouchy "

sun : * le gasp * " HOW DARE YOU "

 ??? : " haha , you two are crazy "

all of a sudden a man walks over to us he was tall as sun or maybe taller had a blue coat and hat and looked kinda like sun if he was a moon well maybe suns eye wouldnt be red like his, 

??? : " solar what are you doing ? "

solar : " oh , some mermaids came over to say hi or one did atleast "

i waved while sun stared daggers at them i was about to say something when we some how got lifted in the air !?

sun : " WHAT THE FUCK !? "

ruin : " for one language for two , WHY THE TIC TAC FRUIT BASKET ARE WE OUT OF THE WATER !?"

solars pov

i looked at moon dead in the eyes and screamed

solar : " MOON WHAT THE HECK !? "

moon : " solar you know damn well why im doing this "


moon : " how about this i get the yellow one and you can have the blue-ish yellow-ish one sound fair ? "

i stared at him then at the mermaids

solar : " fine , im going to my room "

☆○o。 。o○☆ after being put in there own tanks ☆○o。 。o○☆

ruins pov 

i woke up in a tank i swam around for a bit wondering where sun was and hoping he's ok someone walk in and i saw the candy corn man !! i poked my head out and got very happy

solar : " oh hi " 

ruin : " hello candy corn man !! "

solar " candy corn man ? "

ruin " ya ! you look like candy corn , oh and i dont know your name so i guess thats also why "

solar : " well my name is solar and yours is ? "

ruin : " oh my names ruin ! "

i climbed out of my tank and kinda tried to walk over to him i flopped on top of him and kinda just stayed there i got tired and fell asleep an him

solars pov

did he fall asleep !?  oh god he's to cute for his own good i tried to get up buuuuut it didnt work

ruin : " sleep "

solar : " i cant you kinda flopped on top of me and for one we're sitting on the floor "

ruin : " oh my bad "

ruin got up and i was able to stand up as soon as i got on my bed he jumped back on top of me 

solar : " AHHHH RUIN "

ruin : " sorry but i wanna cuddle "

solar : " fine but stop jumping on me please " 

ruin : " ok !! "

after ruin got comfy he fell asleep in my arms ( again) and i fell asleep soon after him

( 892 holy crap i never did this many words.....uuuuhhh well i hope you enjoyed the next chapter is gonna be sun being grouchy and moon being.......moon ig XD so intell then have a lovely morning /evening /or night chicas/chicos !!^^ )

"captain" moon x mermaid sunWhere stories live. Discover now