~ Unknown ~ 3

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      "Marcus, what kind of trouble do you believe Caillat to bring?" Victor raises an eyebrow, but his demeanor is ridiculously calm.
       This is my first time being around a a human warrior king, I suppose as with our leaders, calm is the natural state. If they were to panic at every situation it would mean they are too weak to lead. I glance over at Victor, he is sitting on his throne relaxed.
        His palm under his chin, resting his elbow on the armrest of the wooden carved throne. His posture is nearly lazy while his left hand plays with my fur. Nothing of what is happening seems to phase him or cause him worry. If anything it truly does seem like he already knew this was gonna happen.
        "King Kushin, I believe it was an attack from another clan working with the Night Walkers. Most likely they want the northern territory for themselves." Marcus is definitely becoming increasingly uncomfortable.
       "Is that a normal occurrence with your kin?" Victor asks his attention still slightly elsewhere.
       "I'm not entirely sure to be honest, even the oldest elder was less then 300 years of age. They never spoke of any such violence in the past, just merely passing down the rules in which we live by." Marcus shutters as he moves to sit down on the bottom step.
       "The more I learn the more questions I want to ask. How old are you and how old is the youngest in your group?"
       "I am leader of Ruschen clan, 142. The youngest is 52, we fled northwest for many nights. When we hit the coastline we followed it south till finding this settlement."
        "I see. That is a great distance to travel indeed, I'm fairly surprised to say the least." Victor chuckles with heavy amusement, "Judging by the information you have freely given thus far, it is fair to surmise what happened with Caillat is not related to your clan."
       "King Victor?" Marcus ask inquisitively.
        "Simple territorial disputes do not normally spand the distance in which you traveled, even amongst Vikings. The Ruschen Forest is deep in the mountains Rūs, southeast of here." Victor sits up a bit more now, his gaze falling into himself.
         "Marcus have you heard whispers of who or what attacked this region? Maybe names?" I question, judging his reactions closely.
        "Nothing soild, I thought the attacks were linked between your branch and mine. Though Lord Kushin's input does make it seem unlikely that our situations are related."
        "Doesn't change the fact that you say other creatures that aren't human attacked your clan. Is it possible they aided in mine as well?" I snap lightly, wanting answers.
        "No my Lady. The more I think the more unlikely it is. As they would've killed you on sight. If you don't mind, how did you come to be here?" Marcus inquires hesitantly, not sure how much I will tolerate.
        I glance over at Victor, his fingers no longer playing with my fur. I told him I didn't remember, but I want to answer Marcus. He is far older then I am, my information may lead to clues. I want vengeance against all the ones involved.
        "It was just shortly after returning from battle, it was my 5th one and it went the same as the others. We settled back in at the village tending to the injured kin. Father had us in the training field sparring in our human forms. After fighting as our true self he always said it is important to train shifted to make use of the new experiences." I shake my head of random memories trying to surface.
        "Then a battle broke out nearly instantly, I didn't catch a good look or scent before I felt a sharp pain in my neck. When I came to I was on a Viking ship with warriors, I could smell my kin's blood on them. Their core scent was no different as the others we worked with. When I shifted to my wolf it was clear they were utterly taken aback." I inhale deeply, keeping my nerves calm while retelling my tale.
        "I fought hard but I was not strong enough. I managed to kill at least 13 warriors but I lost too much blood and collapsed. Next time I woke up I had shackles on and they burned incredibly bad. I was unable to shift back to myself nor were the burns healing." A shiver at the memory of that pain bristles my fur.
        "It was like the metal itself was hurting me, keeping me trapped as a human. The war blades that have sliced my flesh never burned like those shackles did. I didn't know what to do so I fought challengers as ordered and bidded my time. Merely training with worthless fights, dull warriors make for even duller fights." I snarl still frustrated that I never gained any real experience all that time.
        "Then the day I planned to make my escape, Kushin and his raiders appeared. They inadvertently aided in my escape plans. In the end I agreed to fight for King Victor Trovadish Kushin, for now anyway." I chuckle lightly, one day I will become strong enough to only need myself.
       "Well it definitely seems like your clan was raided as any other village would've been. It must have been more then a single raiding party. Your kind are stronger then most others. On top of it I never heard of such metal to do a thing like that." Marcus adding his thoughts.
     "I want to know how the raiders found us. As for the metal I have not any idea on. Anyway the journey to my village is not easy in the slightest, even for us. I refuse to believe the warriors that raided were just mere vikings."
       "I agree Caillat. The more I learn I swear..." Victor sighs out heavily, "Are either of you aware of any other clans or branches of kin like yourselves?"
        "I know of a few branches under mine, I could scent them if they were near." I sneeze lightly remembering. Like Marcus, they too have musky smell with a type of foliage.
       "I know of a few as well but not enough to say with certainty that I be able to scent them. As for Caillat and her kin, I only know of one other similar. The Black Branch but they are way south somewhere in Francia last I heard." Marcus shifts nervously, like he just said to much.
         I flick my gaze to him instantly, interest pulling the words from me, "Are we different from eachother Marcus?"
       I feel the shift in the air simultaneously, I glance between Marcus and Victor unable to ascertain who is responsible. Looking back at Marcus I can see he does not want to answer me. I step forward snapping my jaw in his face, my demeanor demanding he answers. Marcus flinches and looks downwards as he speaks.
       "I am a Werewolf, that musky scent you pick up on is how all werewolves smell, the secondary scent marks what clan we belong too. You are a Lycan, what you scented around your kin is how most other Lycans smell." Marcus struggles as I continue to pressure him in to answering fully. "Your clans secondary scent is of freshly fallen snow marking which territory you are from."
        I step back from Marcus, lowering my intimidation. That does make alot more sense thinking back on all the different scents I could pick up from visiting. Wait there was that one visitor that came before we left on our last war exercise. His scent was very similar to ours but there was something different too. I shake my head and start pacing irritation growing, why can't I remember clearly.
       "I can remember but I can't! Why is it so hazey now!" I growl lowly pacing back and fourth in front of Victor who has yet to move or speak.
       "My Lady?" Marcus called out to me worriedly.
     "There was a strange visitor who came alone months before we left for our last war raiding. I can remember and yet not remember at the same time!" I snarl perplexed as it feels like my own mind is keeping me from remembering.
        "Caillat?" Victor's voice is light and soothing. My ears twitch in his direction, "Why don't we go for a walk later today? This conversation seems to have gone on long enough for now." Victor stands and walks past me, placing a hand on his warrior's shoulder.
        "Marcus it has been a long journey home and an even longer day, you are dismissed. I shall find you another time to continue our discussion." Victor's smile is lofty and waves Marcus off.
       "Of course Lord." Marcus looks grateful to be sent off, he returns a full smile, leaving quickly.
       Victor chuckles and returns to sit on his throne. His blue eyes held a distant gaze, like he was seeing beyond this place.
       "How are you so calm still? Does none of this phase you?" I can't stop myself from asking.
         When the other Vikings realized I was non human it was fear they felt, once they had me controlled it was greed they looked at me with. They never asked me questions, they never once showed any interest beyond making me fight. Victor though has not once looked at me with that gaze, I can barely understand anything about him.
       "My dear Caillat, I am a Viking King and see traces of the Gods all the time." He pats my head, chucking.
       Reminding me of when he sat on his ship to converse with me. He wasn't startled nor afraid, I flaunted a bit and tried to intimidate even.
        "Nothing startles me and nothing will change even if it is unexpected. What good would fear and panic do me in this situation?" He scratches down the side of my neck now.
       "I suppose that is the behavior becoming of a King." I close my eyes, starting to get distracted by the spot he is scratching.
        "I wanted you by my side and that is all. Anything else becomes irrelevant, I am King and I will have what I want." Victor chuckles darkly as he continues petting me.
        "My father did say leaders are leaders for a reason, it seems you are well suited to be King. You are a leader of leaders, yet I can't help but wonder why are you the way you are. Why the interest in me and my kin?" I look at him highly curious, I want to understand how he thinks.
         "As a King of leaders should I not have the strongest warriors under my rule?" His answer is crisp and holds the complete truth in a few words.
       I think on his statement, understanding what he means. I have to agree with Victor on his perspective, what leader would turn away powerful warriors? Especially if no reason to do so was presented.
      I never acted outwardly aggressively, just defensively when the situation has called for it. Clearly Marcus and his remaining kin have been good as well. If Marcus were to have come forward before gaining trust, would Victor have still reacted the same way?
       I huff out a low growl in frustration, trying to understand this viking is alot harder then the others who interacted with me. Then again I never spoke even once to any of the raiders back then, only ever listening. Of course he wouldn't want to just let me go, no viking ever would.
        "You are strong and intelligent, a quick learner and can adapt to any situation. I also know that you are a fierce warrior. I would be a fool to let you slip away into the unknown. A gift from the Gods showing favor upon me." Victor moves his fingers up behind my ears, gently scratching.
         "That is how you see me? A warrior gifted to aid you in your endeavors?" I lean into his fingers, letting them reach deeper into my fur.
       "Caillat... again you simplify too much." His soft chuckle nearly tickles my ear this time, his breath is warm. "Regardless, I know I can not stop you from leaving. It has only been a few hours and already trouble has indeed found you here. I worry it will cause your departure."
       My ears twitch at the faint hint of sadness lacing his tone, I do not like that feeling from him. It is out of place.
        "Worry not Victor, I will deal with any trouble that arises. I am not afraid to be myself, I feel no need to hide. Nor will I flee from danger." I growl the last bit, I will not flee any fight.
        "On that topic, why don't you speak openly? You spoke to Malina and Nevius yet not a word to Ester, Horus or Faerin." Victor's every present curiousity bubbling.
         "Nevuis tested my patience and already seen glimpses while in human form. It was beyond my control with him. Malina has your scent all over her, making her your equal." I sigh indifferently, not sure why I am explaining myself.
         "Your offspring do not warrant such respect just like with my kin. They are not born with that right, it would make them arrogant. Weak."
       "Go on, tell me the rest that is on your mind." Victor coaxed me, running is finger down the side of my neck again.
       "I only just realized Horus is a wolf but he is different then the ones I am familiar with. He isn't from these lands as well if it wasn't for Marcus explaining the scents I never would've realized." I roll my eyes at how much I still don't know.
        "I didn't even realize he came up behind me, once he had me on his shoulder I had given up. I thought it was just lingering scents from the environment when I first scented him then. Doesn't change the fact I was just worn out and basically accepted what was to be." I inhale deeply, that day was insanely busy.
       "How did you feel sitting on the ship?"
       "I accepted my situation and offered no restiance. What else could I do? It was clear I couldn't leave the island without your aid." I groan that it is true.
       "Is that why you didn't struggle on the ship?"
       "Well yeah, you made everything I planned pretty pointless. That even if I had escaped Rigard I would've still been trapped. Even if I fought and ran from you, there was no where to go. As I said you basically captured me without even realizing."
      "Then why haven't you ran yet? We have been docked for for awhile now." His gaze is burning into me now, I can feel his inquisitive mind going.
      "I dont have a reason to run Victor and thus far you have held up to your offerings. I have had food, freedom and warmth."
        "You make that sound more important then needed. So far I just have been a good host as one should be." His demeanor egging me to explain it better.
       "I have nothing Victor. I know nothing beyond fighting and even less about myself." I growl, growing annoyed as words rush from me. "I do not know where I am, I do not know what else is out there nor do I have anywhere to go!" I snap my muzzle a few times standing up.
        "Then what is it you are aiming for? What has you still standing there?" Victor's question is light, my growing aggression not phasing him.
        "What I want, I can achieve being here far easier then running blind in the wilds. In the end I am using your power and strength to my advantage. We both gain much from this partnership, you obtain knowledge and I secure a footing." I turn and stare him down.
       Victor is leaning back in his throne, chin resting on his palm. His blue eyes swirling like the ocean, filled with excitement. He seems to feel great relief at my answer, like it was the best one he could've heard.
      "I see Caillat." He smiles and pets my head, ignoring the growl of my muzzle. "Well I have to head to the market to see to a few matters. Stay in here and explore your new home. I'll return in a few hours time and we can head for the training fields near by."
        I sit down and stare at him incredulously, the sheer nerve of this man is striking. I could probably lunge at him right now and he would still veiw it with amusement.
        "Sounds good to me, I much rather stay here then deal with a ton of new people. I do not have the patience left for such an outing."
       "Help yourself to whatever you want just please do not harm that which is mine." He chuckles and walks out of the building without any concern.
       After he leaves I look around the Great Hall. There are two rooms on other side and the room behind the throne is where Malina took the child. That must be their private den, I should not explore there till I am invited in.
      The room to the right closest to entrance of the great hall has most of my attention. I can smell different foods and meats coming from behind the hanging cloth. A few of the workers watch me warily as I enter sniffing the air. I growl lowly and they go back to work, continuing to ready for tonight's dinner. I do remember someone mentioning a feast tonight, I bet it will be even better then the last one.
      I push pass a few of the shabby slaves as they ready plants and eggs on a near by table. I follow my nose till I find a basket full of fish. I can feel the drool forming, I want this. I slide my mouth over the handle. Taking the basket of fish hastily back to the throne room.
        I can feel the nervous stares on my back, but no one dares to appoarch. They are wise to keep their distance, I can tolerate Victor but the others I can not say the same about. I drop to my stomach and bury my face in the fish basket. Crunching and swallowing my fill lazily, there are but 4 fish left now. I nudge the basket to the side, opting to finish the rest later. For now I feel like napping, being able to rest and eat when I want is amazing.
       Victor's scent reaches me just as his words pull me from sleep. "I have returned, only to find you sleeping yet again?"
       Victor raises an eyebrow walking down the center of the parted tables. His eyes full of humor as he takes in my current sleeping position. Which I suppose could be seen as humorous, it's not often I sleep laying on my back.
        He hastily comes over and before I have a chance to move, his soft touch assaults my exposed underside. Victor completely getting lost in petting my belly, his fingers greedily feeling everywhere. I can not stop him though, this is a new sensation and I absolutely love it.
       All too soon Victor pulls away, and only now do I realize my tail is wagging and my tongue is not in my muzzle. I quickly right myself as Victor sits down on his throne. His familiar demeanor settling over his being, I move and lean my side against the throne. His hand instantly running along the edge of my back.
      "Caillat will you tell me a few memories you have from your younger years?"
       I chuckle lightly, "There are a few times that might be interesting but do not expect too much of me."
       Soon I talk of my training sessions and some of my hard battles as a pup. I tell him stories of a few warriors and some of the heavier injuries. He sits in silence, letting me get lost in my ownself.

Viking King and A WolfWhere stories live. Discover now