☆Art 2☆

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Welcome back!

Im surpised that anyone even read this book. But thank you so much for reading my book! It really means a lot to me :)

Anyway here some art i made :v

This is DogDay and CatNap in Wide Awake AU

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This is DogDay and CatNap in Wide Awake AU.
Yeah i made them more into my style lol.
Also im waiting for yall to vote on the option in the WIDE AWAKE book that i made.
If you havent read that book yet. Well pls dont read it, it was cringe 😭

 Well pls dont read it, it was cringe 😭

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This one is just an smiling critters OC.

This one is just an smiling critters OC

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Uhmm... i dont know what this is lol.
But this is a Nue. Japanese mythical creature.
My friend challange me to draw one, so i did.

My friend challange me to draw one, so i did

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Art gift for Coco_is_loco-

Art gift for Cupcake_Muffin00

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Art gift for Cupcake_Muffin00

Art gift for Cupcake_Muffin00

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Art gift for Jiarui4

Yeah i made fanart for people that follows my account. For those who hasnt recieve a fanart from me, pleass be patient. I am trying to make one for ya too :)

 I am trying to make one for ya too :)

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I made these two at computer, so it looks pretty weird

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I made these two at computer, so it looks pretty weird. Sorry

Also i use an app called Kleki when creating those two art on my computer.

Thats all!

I am so sorry if my art is not very good.
I will try my best to improve later :D

Art book :PWhere stories live. Discover now