☆Art 5☆

66 11 21


Welcome back to my book again!
Sorry if i was gone for a little too long :v

I cant really focus on my art and wattpad right now because i have a lot to do in real life. But for those who's been reading this book from ☆Art 1☆ i really appreaciate you ♡

Now lets get right into the art >:D

Now lets get right into the art >:D

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Having a picnic :3

I love this one so much. Very proud of it :)

Little sketch i made :v

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Little sketch i made :v

I do whatever i want with my oc >:(
Dont judge me

I do whatever i want with my oc >:(Dont judge me

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An art gift for skysstuff :3

Lop ur oc skysstuff! Please notice me 😭

Lop ur oc skysstuff! Please notice me 😭

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An art gift for VERYSiLLYKiTTiES

I dont have much to say srry

Anyway thats all and bye-bye ♡

Art book :PWhere stories live. Discover now