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Adrian's grin widened, revealing a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. He tilted his head back, feigning a thoughtful pose, and tapped his chin with his index finger. "There's a small price to pay for my forgiveness, Fresa," he teased.

Meera, desperate to appease him and erase the worry from his face, simply blinked in innocent confusion. Her brow furrowed in a picture of concern, and she bit her lower lip nervously. "Conditions?" she echoed, her voice barely a whisper.

Elena and Dahlia exchanged bewildered glances as the drama unfolded before them. Meera fidgeted nervously with her bag zipper, her pout deepening with each passing moment. Adrian, clearing his throat theatrically, put on a show of mock sternness.

"Alright, Fresa," he declared, his voice dripping with playful arrogance, "since you've gone and inflicted this war wound on my beloved Ducati, consider yourself officially sentenced."

Meera's breath hitched. "Se-sentenced?" she stammered, her eyes wide with apprehension. "Indeed," Adrian continued, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "First up, you're hereby assigned as my personal tutor. Our professor's lectures are putting me to sleep, so from now on, you'll be handing over your precious notes and giving me private tutoring sessions. Four times a week, no less!"

Meera's jaw dropped. "Me? T-tutor you?" she sputtered, a mix of nervousness Ignoring her initial reaction, Adrian laid down his second "punishment." "And during those study sessions," he added, a glint in his eyes, "you'll be required to provide a constant supply of your famous homemade muffins. Fuel for the brain, you see." "But that's..." Meera started, only to be interrupted by Adrian's next demand. "I'm going to teach you how to ride a two-wheeler. None of that learning-from-others. You have to come with me for Private lessons, and it's compulsory."

Meera's brows furrowed in a picture of resentment. "Oh, so if I don't agree to your ridiculous demands, I don't get your forgiveness?" she huffed.

"Well, keep your forgiveness then!" she added, turning to Elena and Dahlia  "Come on, girls, let's go!" she declared, attempting a nonchalant turn to leave.

With lightning speed, Adrian blocked her path, a playful glint in his eyes. "Hold on there, Fresa," he drawled. "Think you can just walk away after putting my baby through that? Your conscience won't let you be that heartless, ¿verdad (right)?" He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "And let's not forget, if I tell your papá (dad) about your little two-wheeler adventure, well, let's just say your dreams of having your own might be put on hold for a long time."

 Diego, with a theatrical sigh, declared, "Woah, woah, woah. If it was anyone else who scratched Adrian's prized possession, there'd be fists flying, ese (man). Consider yourself lucky he's offering you a way out, Meera." He winked at Adrian. Luis took his turn. " ¡Verdad! (That's right!) Even my Abuela (grandmother) always says, 'Those who don't forgive are haunted by their anger in their dreams.'" 

Meera let out a defeated sigh, a hint of helplessness in her eyes. She bit her lip nervously, her initial defiance replaced by a shy resignation. "Alright, alright," she mumbled, "I'll do what you say."

Adrian felt a surge of triumph, the urge to kiss those tempting plum lips of hers before he could open he could speak Dahlia's dramatic voice pierced through the moment.

"This is outrageous!" she declared, her voice dripping with outrage. "You two are turning this into some kind of torture session for my friend!" Elena, chimed in, her voice laced with concern, "Agreed, Adrian. This whole charade is getting a little out of hand." Adrian, however, knew exactly how to handle these interruptions. A sly grin spread across his face. "Oh, are we?" he drawled, his voice laced with mock surprise. "Well, well, well, it seems the two of you have inserted yourselves into this little equation. Since you're so concerned about Meera's 'suffering,'" he air-quoted with a flourish, "perhaps you can contribute as well."

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