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After  his classes Gulf went to cafe for his work. The cafe was very busy , when Gulf closed the cafe and went out, it started raining very heavily .

I guess I have to run. He quickly locked the cafe and went running towards his room.

He reached his room completely drenched. He got in and took shower and went to sleep.

In the morning Gulf woke up with the sound of alarm. His body was feeling heavy, he got up from bed, he didn't wanted to miss is morning pratice so he went.

Gulf and the selected student started warming up Mew came to Gulf and started pestering him. But Gulf just let him be as he didn't had energy to deal with him. After the pratice he went to his classes. He was feeling very tired. At lunch he was sitting at the conner of the cafeteria alone, as he did made any friend other than mild. He was playing with his food when someone tapped on his shoulder. He turned to see Mew smiling at him.

What do u want Gulf sighed.

Ouch! Dude I'm here because I don't want you to feel alone, he sat beside Gulf  with his food.

Why did you bother to come so far from your department. Said Gulf

Because I missed u Mew said and started having his food.

Gulf sighed and started tossing his food on his plate.

Mew saw Gulf and asked why are you not eating.

Just don't feel like eating. Gulf said.

Mew started at Gulf and said you look pale are you okay. He placed his hand on gulf's forehead ,it was warm 'dude u have fever'said Mew

Gulf removed mews hand and said he's fine and got up .

Mew followed him.

What fine you have a fever said Mew, but Gulf keep walking.

Mew pulled Gulf hand to stop him and stared at him. Dude you should go to hospital.

I told u I'm fine and I'm grown enough to know my body and if you feel that I'm sick so u should stop bothering me . Gulf said and walk away.

Mew stood there he was pissed not because Gulf talked rudely to him, but because how Gulf didn't tale care of himself. He didn't want to bother him as he knew how he will react but he aldo knew he won't take care of himself. He sighed and went to his department.

After class Gulf went to the cafe his body was feeling very heavy and his face also became more pale. His manager asked him to take leave of he doesn't feel well but Gulf being Gulf said he's fine and can manage.

In the evening Mew and his friends came to cafe where Gulf work. They sat on the table and Gulf came to take their order. Mew didn't talked to Gulf as he was still upset with him. And the other seems to not care about it.

Even though mew and Gulf pretended to not know each other, but mews eyes never left Gulf, he frowned looking at Gulf as his face had became more pale , he got really worried after sometime Mew and his friends went out of the cafe but Mew was still worried he said to his friend that he got stuff to do . He went to a pharmacy and got some medicine for Gulf.

I'm doing this because I'm a good human he said to him and went back to the cafe and waited for Gulf to come out.

Gulf was not feeling well so his manger asked him to leave early as he went out he saw Mew standing in front of the cafe. He sighed and went near him, he knew he was bit rude to him in the afternoon. He came to him and said look I know I want rude in the afternoon so I'm sorry. Mew stood there without saying a word. Gulf looke at him and said if nothing more I'm going. He took some step forward when his head became dizzy and he blacked out.....

Mew came and held Gulf before he fell on the floor. He got really worried he shook Gulf, he checked his forehead it was burning. Mew quickly carried Gulf to the hospital.

Gulf pov.

My head really hurt and I can hear some light noise. By the smell I know I was in the hospital. I should have taken medicine now I have the pay the bill of the hospital. I opened my eyes and saw Mew sitting on the chair.

He quickly got up and asked if I was okay. I was really to tired to speak so I just nodded my head.

I looked outside it was already dark.

What time is it I asked him.

It's 11:30 he said.

I let out a sighed it was past hostel curfew now I need to find a place to sleep. What an unlucky day I thought. I got up.

I think you should go I don't want you to get stuck with your curfew time I said to him.

Don't I stay at a condo so there is no curfew.

Oh, Thanks for everything I don't want to bother you more u can go and rest. He said

I'm not getting bother and you should take care of yourself , Mew said.

They went out Gulf went to the counter to pay the bill but the receptionist told bim that his bills have been paid by his friend. He looked at Mew who was call the cab.

Gulf went to Mew .

Hey Mew thanks again for the bills I'll pay you tomorrow Gulf said.

Mew smiled and said that it's fine. There cab arrived Mew asked him to sit.

Gulf went in the cab. The ride was quite but not awkward. Gulf closed his eyes thinking where he should go as his dorm is closed.

Mew broke the silence and asked Gulf where are you going to stay your dorm might be closed by now.

I really don't know, Gulf said without opening his eyes he was still feel weak.

You can go to my room if you don't mind asked Mew.

Gulf thought for a while he did want to bother him more but he really didn't had any friends other then mild.

Will it be ok,Can I really come to your room. Said Gulf.

Yah, it will be and that's what friend are for Mew said.

Mew had many friends but he never invited anyone to his room he really don't like it , but with Gulf it was different he didn't knew himself, but there was something that was changing.

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