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Mew dragged Gulf to his room. First he thought of dropping Gulf to his hostel by he didn't knew which block he live in so he took him to his dorm. He was angry with Gulf but seeing him in that state his anger vanished.

He dropped Gulf on his bed.

God this guy is such a handful. He took Gulf shoes. And tapped him to wake him up.

Hey Gulf get up and take shower before sleeping, but Gulf was asleep like a log. Mew decided to let it be and took shower. He came back to saw Gulf was not on the bed he went out to check but he didn't find him he back back to his room and heard soft snore coming from behind the bed he checked and saw Gulf sleeping on the floor.

Tsk this guy is really ,Mew picked Gulf up and place him on the bed. He was putting Gulf on the bed when he lost his balance and fell over him. There lips were just cms away, all the memories flashed across Mew mind. He started at his lips, Mew heart began to beat very fast. Realisation hit him bad this time. He like Gulf not as a friend but as someone more than just friend. He quickly got up and put his hand on his heart.

No I might be confused said Mew. Yah it might just be alcohol or am I feeling that lonely. He took a deep breath.

Mew as always dated girls he knew he like girl, but why Gulf was making him feel things that he never felt before now he was confused. He paced to his kitchen and drank a bottle of cold water. He sat on the couch looking at the ceiling he was feeling something unexplainable. Today he saw a very different side of Gulf which he never knew he had.After a long argument with himself Mew drifted to sleep on the couch.

Gulf woke up when the sunlight strik his face. He opened his eyes his head was throbbing and he was still feeling dizzy. He look around and saw very unfamiliar walls. He tried to remember what he did last night but couldn't remember any. He got up from the bed and got up he went to the kitchen and saw around.

It's Mew's place aaah my head hurt. Gulf said and massaged his head.

Then the main door opened Mew came in with some bags in his hand.

You woke up come sit I got breakfast for you. Mew said

How di i got here, I don't remember meet you yesterday and I was out drink with mild, where is he? Said Gulf

Mew placed food on the table and asked Gulf to sit.

I picked you up from the street Mew said with a smirk

Gulf rolled his eyes and eat the food.

See I'm such a good friend you should appreciate me ok said Mew.

Yah I do appreciate you MY FRIEND, Gulf said in mocking tone.

Mew chuckled and they both haf their food. Mew was putting the dishes.

I think I should go and once again thanks for everything. Gulf said and got up to leave.

Mmmh..... Gulf do u have anything to de at the afternoon Mew asked

Not really why, Gulf said

Wanna hang out then, if you want Mew said.

Gulf thought for a while, then Mew said

Come on I helped you so many times and u have to think so much, mew pout

Gulf chuckled at Mew and said okay,fine I'll come.

Gulf started being very comfortable with Mew and he didn't even knew but Mew had started breaking the the walls that Gulf had build.

Gulf went to his room and rested for a while. He got a message from Mew to meet him near his campus at 4.

Mew was waiting for Gulf, he was wearing casual T-shirt and jeans and was scrolling through his phone. Gulf came and waved to him. Mew heart started beating fast,his eyes were stuck on Gulf , he was looking very handsome in his casual wear. He turned his head.

I'm straight and he's my friend Mew said.

Gulf came near Mew and tapped his shoulder which startled Mew.

What are you doing, Gulf said.

Nothing let's go, Mew said

Theg went to the arcade, they played many games and had lots of fun. They were laughing and enjoying a lot. After a really long time Gulf really had enjoyed that much. After that they went to have dinner. They were going to a restaurant when some of Mew friend came.

Hi Mew what are you doing here I thought you were going to your parents place. Said Mews friend

Yah I was then there werr change of plans, Mew said scratch his hair.

Oh I see you got a company, one of his friends asked.

Yah, he Gulf he's my friend from back I'm school and goes to same university as us. Said Mew.

Ohh I see. One of Mew friend said. By any chance this friend of your is single. She asked in a flirty tone looking at Gulf.

Mew narrowed his eyebrows, he looked back at Gulf, he was getting uncomfortable so Mew just said to his friends that they got some stuff to do and he dragged gulf got away from there.

They went to the restaurant and order some food, Mew was also now curious that if Gulf is dating someone.

Hmmm sorry about my friend, said Mew

It's fine, said Gulf.

Btw are you single, Mew just asked.

Why do you want to set me with friend of your Gulf asked staring at Mew.

Nooooo.... What are you saying...I'm just asking, Mew shuttered.

Hahaha just kidding why are being so defensive, Gulf chuckled

And no I'm not dating anyone.

Why, Mew said.

What do u mean by why, just didn't found anyone , Gulf said

Mew was staring at Gulf when the waiter placed food on there table. They had there dinner and when to their rooms. Mew dropped Gulf to his dorm.

Seriously you don't have to drop me , said Gulf.

I just wanted to know where you stay, said Mew.

Fine, now good night and thanks for today. He put his hand on his shoulder and smiled.

Mew heart skipped a beat. He smiled back and said Gulf. After Gulf let he stared at his retrieving back till it disappeared.

What the fuck is wrong with me I'm starting to miss him, mee said and drove back to his apartment.

Thank for reading.

Mew wante to

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