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"I should have known his pussy ass wouldn't be able to take this type of life!"Jack yelled as he drove off.I killed Sammy and I feel nothing,he was my best friend and I feel nothing.Not even sad,I guess I lost feeling?I don't know but it's whatever he snitched and that's what he get."Jack take me somewhere."I said"Like where?"he asked driving.I shurgged and told him dropped me off at this alley."Be careful,babe!"he shouted and drove off.I walked until I fell and cried, there is those waterworks I've been looking for.I stopped crying and walked to a bar.

As I walked in nobody noticed me,which was a good thing.I walked up to the bar and asked for a beer,he asked for ID which was ok cause I had a fake one.Everyone eyes were on a TV that played the news.

A boy by the name of Samuel Wilkson age 19 was shot and killed on the street of Orange Crush Ave. and Martin St.If you having any information please call the police.That's all on this segment back to you Ray.

Tears were going to stream down my eyes until someone called my name,"Isn't this bitch Stacy Wilson!"a man yelled.I looked around and saw all eyes on me,I took one last sip of my beer then ran out the door.Before I even hit the corner a police man jumped at me and put me on the ground.

"You have the right to remain selint,anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law.If you do not have an attorney you will be provided with one by the court.You are under arrest."he finished. (Can't believe I remember that thank you 21 Jump Street)

I was put in the officers car and brought to the police station.Well here goes nothing.

Dam I killed Sammy and now she is caught.I'm a bad person but oh well!

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