Part 21

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Saad woke up and saw that he was hugging Noor . He was surprised and was about to scream at her but suddenly remembered what had happened last night and how she helped him . He sat on bed and looked at her . She was looking mesmerising that he couldn't take his eyes off of her

He never looked at her this close and realise that she was so beautiful. He touched her cheeks with his fingertips and moved his finger to her lips caressing them softly . He smiled thinking of last night that how he felt with her and this was the comfort that he had never felt with anyone

Noor's hand was on Saad's waist she was sleeping peacefully. He looked at the time and saw that it was 7 am . He then went yo washroom carefully removing her hand and when he came back he again layed beside her and he held her hand put it on his waist basically making her hug him

He put his arm under her neck and pulling her closer. He put his other hand on her waist slowly caressing it . He fell asleep like that with Noor's head on his chest while he was facing her . He himself did not understand that why was he doing it , why was he feeling good and wanting more , he doesn't even like her then what was he doing maybe he doesn't hate her maybe he likes her

Saad woke up at about 8:30 once again and sat on the bed and as he didn't want to disturb Noor he let her keep her arm on his waist hugging him from the side . Noor also woke up in some time and she saw that Saad was doing something on his laptop and she was hugging him from the side . She started to move and got up and sat on the bed

Feeling the movement Saad understood that Noor was awake.
"Good morning"

"What the actual hell"

"If you remember then you were the one who hugged me last night so don't dare show me that attitude Noor"

"You asked for it"

"It was your decision to do it or not I only requested"

"Still you did and you were crying how was I supposed to say no ?"

"Whatever it was I need you to not to mention last night to anyone"

"Oh really? I was actually going to publishing house to publish this amazing news"
Said Noor sarcastically

Saad said raising his eyebrows

"I literally promised you last night that I would never tell anyone"

"I was just confirming"


"What even is that attitude of yours about ?"
Said Saad stopping his typing

"About - I am going I have more to do Mr Saad"

"Are you on your periods Mrs Saad?"
Asked Saad knowing that she would be annoyed by this name

"Don't call me by that name you bandar"
She said

"Ok I want to know what bandar means , I totally forgot about it"
Said Saad as he got up from the bed

"I am going bye"
She was about to go but Sad held her hand

"Well when are you gonna get your periods?"

"Why should I tell you ?"

"Tell me so that I am ready with the snacks or you might start crying like last time"
Said Saad teasing Noor

"I won't"
She said annoyed

"Are you sure?"
Said Saad with a smirk as Noor took her wrist out of his grip

"I am going bye"
Noor said and went to the washroom and came back after some time and went downstairs and Saad also went behind her after some time

Saad came downstairs and saw that his mother was just coming to call him

"Oh I was just coming to wake you up"

"Well you shouldn't come by yourself"


"You can send my wife mama jaan"

"Okh sir I will next time"
Saad smiled
Saad suddenly saw Minahil who was looking at him weirdly maybe because of what he just had said to his mother

The day was half way through and Saad did some more research on periods that what is the extent females get them at and timings and he realised that Noor will get hers in a say or two

Saad saw that Minahil was putting something in a bowl of soup and when Minahil went away he saw the bottle which had written "Jamal gotta"
He didn't understand what it was so he thought it might be a medicine. He went from there and decided to ask if Noor knows what that means as it sounded like a Urdu word to him

He went from there and saw Noor in dining area arranging plates with a maid
"Noor can you come here"

"Yah what do you want"

"Do you know what Jamal gotta is ?"

"Why and where you heard that word ?"
Noor said as she was not expecting such a Question

"Do you know what it means ?"

"Yah I do and I will tell you if you tell me why you want to know"
Noor said teasing

"I just read the word somewhere and I want to know it's meaning is that enough clarification for my dear wife?"
Said Saad teasing Noor in return

"Well it is a type of medicine that if is consumed it makes the person who consumed it have swere loose motions and the stomach feels funny"
Noor said ignoring that he called her ^my wife^"

"So it is not a good thing?"

"Not at all"

"Ok thanks"
Saying this Saad went away wondering that in who's bowl and why Minahil put that medicine in then suddenly his brain hit a point and his eyes shot open

"Noor-ul-Ain !"
Who else does Minahil not like in this house and Saad has been ignoring her for afew days so she obviously is putting it in Noor's bowl

Saad went back and saw that Noor had the same bowl in her hand he went to her in a hurry and said
"don't drink it"

"I know"

"How ?"

"I saw Minahil putting that medicine in it and anyways if Minahil gives me something that js dangerous . Well I saw her putting something but I couldn't read the name and then I saw you trying to read something and then you asked so it is obvious"

Saad was indeed impressed and then he saw that Dadi maa aslo heard it all and now was furious.


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