Victor pov ~ Training ~ 4

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     Caillat leaves me to wonder about how much more she will reveal freely. It amazes me these creatures are so isolated to the point she does not even realize what I am, not that she would even understand. As well as she has not once suspected I am anything more then a human Viking King.
       What reason could anyone have to target the Lycans anyway, they barely know anything of the world yet. I knew exactly what Caillat was when I caught her scent. Then to see she is was white blew me away, the white Lycans were the first ones made. She is supposed to be further north on an island with the others, so they could grow and mature in peace.
       I even dropped phrases, showed off a few of my abilities, even so far to treat her a certain way. Still Caillat seems completely unphased nor even bothered, though living as she did I guess I can understand. Her mind is incredibly childlike in regards to anything but her supernatural side is terrifying. Powerful instincts is good but if not raised right could prove disastrous.
       There have been times already that it feels like she sees through me yet doesn't understand what she is sensing. The worst part I can only skim surface level thoughts from her. Caillat's mind is so well guarded and she isn't even trying intentionally.
       Keeping the last white Lycan in my territory safe is a must, if she perishes so soon after creation.. It will be a devastating loss of life. Their kind are still so fresh, the Goddess just barely gave them life. How could anyone already have an issue with their existence.
       Could maybe one of the elder races be wanting to gain control? Then why would they sell her off, why would they not capture others. If an established race were to raise and educate a new one it throw the scales off.
       I keep trailing my fingers through the silken fur of Caillat, the sensation helps me focus. It is nice having someone so confident in themselves, to feel no need to hide. I have hidden for seven centuries, the unseen caretaker, a hybrid of many.
       My territories house an arrange of supernatural beings, all coexisting in sheltered bliss unaware of one another for the most part. There are many such lands out there with rulers such as myself, but we leave each other be to tend to our own flocks.
       I continue stroking Caillat, listening to the strong beat of her heart and the quietness of her breath. She truly has no fear about being seen for what she is. I chuckle knowing Caillat isn't done growing either, in a few years she will easily be looking down on me.
       I will have to send out the scout team to investigate the assaults upon both clans. If it is only the ones under my reign I can deal with it alone. Worse case, is if it is a universal occurrence then the World Council will have to convene.
       "Trovadish?" Malina's voice lulls me back from my thoughts, her deep brown eyes watch my hand as it strokes the white fur.
       "Yes my wife?" I smile reaching my arms out for her, nearly absentmindedly.
       "Faerin is resting and the boys are due back later. Do you wan-"
       I put a hand to her lips, stopping her mid sentence. My eyes glancing to a sleeping Caillat swiftly before bringing my lips to Malina's. I cradle my wife on my lap, and kiss her deeply. When I finally release her plump lips she is breathless.
       "Tonight I will indulge you my wife, but for now I have matters I must see too and duties to complete." I smile lightly poking the tip of her nose, before helping her to her feet.
       I watch as Caillat ears twitch as I too stand up, already planning on following me. She yawns lazily, not a trace of anxiety or fear. Her personality well suited to the long life ahead of her. I smile slightly proud that even young, she is powerful.
       I know as a caretaker I am not supposed to interfere more then needed but my dragon side can not leave her unattended. If the wrong person found her in that state her future would've been so much darker. Caillat is still a young child, so innocent and sheltered.
       If I find a village of her kin I must hand Caillat over. She needs to mature with her own kind in order to find a place in this world. I just hope my offspring don't get attached, it is already hard enough to keep myself from growing attached.
       Caillat follows me without a word, she keeps the side of her body in constant contact with me. Her ears twitching and her nose sniffing as I make my way down the left path. Full alert mode it seems, her ice blue eyes scanning everything.
       This path leads straight to the training grounds and a side entrance to the forest. None of the regular townsfolk walk this path, only the warriors and raiders come here.
       I can already hear the sounds of clashing swords and the thunk of wood being striked. The Vikings always training everyday, somehow they always manage to make small improvements too. Soon the barracks against the stone wall come into veiw along with the groups of sparring men.
       I glance downwards breifly, Caillat's focus is on the Vikings sparring now. She seems to have no sense of speed or time, she never noticed how quick our pace was. I forgot she was even with me for a second, I am use to being alone all the time.
       Thorin should be here training with his younger brother at this time. It's nearing lunch anyway so interrupting them early is no problem. I spot Ragnar and Thorin off with Horus, Ragnar breathing heavy as usual. Only Thorin and Faerin take after me, blessed by the Goddess. I have a few children out in the world but it is still a rarity amongst supernaturals. At most we have 2 offspring every 200 years if we are lucky.
       I chuckle lightly before looking Thorin over, even at 17 he stands out. His height nearly level with me now and his eyes are identical to mine and Faerin's. He does not do much with his dirty blonde hair and just keeps it shoulder length. Always complaining it is too much of a hassel to bother with when asked about braids.
       Thorin is a natural born fighter and already well skilled. I watch as Horus barely dodges his short sword. I trained Thorin personally for years, he is very much aware of what we are. Though he understands why he must never tell anyone, not even his mother.
       His coming of age is at 20, his abilities will awaken and we will find out if he is blessed with a form. I hope he is a balance of Lycan and Dragon, I take after those myself. I have a feeling Faerin will adhere more to the Witch and Elven supernaturals.
       Caillat nuzzles her head into me, pulling me from my thoughts instantly. Her eyes scanning the training field, excitement growing watching my warriors spar. I feel pleased once she notices Thorin, his prowess is impressive indeed to catch her sharp eyes.
       "Thorin!" I call out, waving my boy over. He smiles excitedly, easily leaving his brother behind as he rushes to me.
       "Father." He bows his head slightly before hugging me, "I have missed you this season. Next year I am coming and you can not stop me this time."
       I lean back from his head, and ruff up his hair. "Then who will protect our lands here?" I raise an eyebrow, "Your brothers?"
       I watch with amusement as he crosses his arms, annoyance heavy in his expression as he glares at me. I feel Caillat shift beside me, her ears slowly twitching at Thorin's demeanor.
       "Regardless Father, please let me join you." Thorin sighs heavy, knowing I will not budge on the subject.
       "Thorin..." I sigh tiredly, we always have to go through this but I do not want to speak too openly with Caillat here.
       I feel her step away from me and I can't help but glance to her. Her nose held high and sniffing the air intently, something clearly catching her attention. Caillat's gaze flicks in the direction of wind, landing on a gate that leads beyond the walls.
       She takes another step in that direction, inhaling deeply. I watch her nostrils flare, catching the scent of whatever has her interest. Thorin finally notices her presence and steps back slightly, turning my attention towards him.
       I want to see how he reacts to this, he has met Werewolves before but she is very different then them. Thorin's eyes burn with curiosity and excitement, he truly takes after me in many ways. I catch him inhaling deeply through his nose and a smile ripples across his lips.
       I feel proud of how quick he learns and picks up on different supernatural beings, it is a vital skill for all hybrids. One day he will make a fine caretaker if he chooses that path.
       Soon though both our smiles fade rapidly, Caillat is on edge. She takes another step forward, I feel the focus she has. Skimming the surface of her mind once more proves useful, she has picked up an extremely faint trace of another Lycan.
       I subtly inhale, trying to see if I can scent it myself, I exhale. Trying again, I breathe in deeper and still I can not scent what she did. Having to judge on what she picked up then I guess the Lycan would have passed by at least a week or so ago.
       I catch a glimpse of Thorin mimicking me, his eyes locked on the blackness beyond the passageway. A low growl rolls from Caillat as she shakes out her fur, seemingly satisfied. I chuckle impressed yet again by the white Lycan.
       "Father?" Thorin calls lightly, keeping a soild control on his emotions and tone.
       "Yes my boy?" I smirk knowingly, still watching him.
       Caillat walks back to my side, nudging her body against me as she lays down. I notice she lays facing the warriors sparring and hear a slight longing huff from her.
       "When did you get a pet?" He coughs slightly before looking down at a now growling Caillat.
       "Thorin, this is Caillat. She is a child of the Gods, Fenrir." I keep my laugh inside as Thorin's eyes roll a little.
       "She is very beautiful Father. May I appoarch her?"
       "Caillat?" I glance down to meet her gaze already on me then she flicks her attention to Thorin.
       I wonder how she is gonna handle this, she still doesn't know we are not humans. She didn't speak to Faerin nor treat her special, Malina was right to fear Caillat snapping. She stands and wearily appoarches Thorin, her muzzle sniffing out his scent.
       I watch her eyes swirling as something catches her off guard. She lowers her head and from past experiences I know this is not a good sign.
       "Maybe another time Thorin, I think Caillat is due for a run. You must see to your own lunch today." I say calmly and as I hoped her gaze is back on me.
       I start walking towards the passageway, Caillat bouncing beside me completely excited. Truly she intrigues me and never acts the way I expect. I am not sure how long I am gonna find her unpredictability amusing though.
       If I did not have the ability to tinker with a creatures mind, Malina could've been a problem. Nevius is a Vampire of 136 so it isn't a worry if he knows of Caillat, it was amusing to see the natural distaste between the two.
       It did take him a minute to figure out what she is though, he probably assumed Werewolf at first scenting. He is still very young and has a great deal to learn if he wants to continue as my assistant.
       "Victor?" Caillat's voice incredibly low for once.
       "Yes young one?"
       Well this is new, she looks lost deep within herself. Uncertainty is definitely a new emotion, nearly every action and breathe she has taken has been with the utmost confidence. What could be going on in her mind to have her this unsure.
       I try to poke around to sneak a glimpse but I am met with nothing on the surface. Whatever she is thinking about currently is under heavy analyzing. Her brief glance backwards to Thorin gives me a clue as to what is on her mind.
       "He looks like you and has your scent but there is something, I can't smell his link to Malina. The same with the Faerin girl, though the other boy in the field was definitely a mix of you and your mate-"
       "Malina is not my mate. Just my wife." I snap curtly at her, I have yet to be blessed with a Mate.
       I glance down and her reaction once again catches me off guard. Her ocean blue eyes swirling trying to see between my words. Shit I fucked up, I fucked up. I'm not supposed to know the difference as a Viking.
       "What is the difference?" She questions curiously, as if testing me silently.
       Oh thank you Goddess and curse you at the same time for your idea of humor! What Father wants to talk to his adopted daughter about such a thing!
       "I'm not entirely sure but Mate doesn't seem like the right word. It feels wrong and I can't explain it." The same way she felt about Malina calling her pet, this should suffice for now.
       "I understand, sorry I said that. My mother and father were mates. You and your wife reminded me of them a few times."
       "I see... Do try and keep your run near by, I do not want for you to get lost. If you'd like I can fetch for Marcus to join you. Maybe you would enjoy a run with him till you get used to the area?" Change the subject and move to the whole distraction tactic.
       "Would he be able to keep up in that form he loves so much?" She rolls her eyes with extreme disapproval.
Werewolves honestly do prefere there human side more. Unlike Lycans, Werewolves are born with two souls, two separate sides. They have both human and wolf merged together as one. They can never be both at the same time nor exist without each other.
       Lycans though are a different creature, their actual form is a perfect balance of human and wolf. The Goddess made them to walk on two feet, but the legs are wolf like including the clawed feet. Fur adorns their entire body as well, usually just one solid color.
       The torso is similar of a human but very muscular. The upper chest, shoulders and arms are also humanish, the hands are more claw like with razor sharp talons. The neck up is pure wolf though and their fur is usually thickest there and their tail sprouts from their lower back. It is also usually large and fluffy as well, very much needed to help them maintain balance at times.
       They have the ability to alter their appearance to take on whichever features they ultimately wish. It seems Caillat may have yet to figure it out and just assumes the full wolf form is her trueself. I could probably show her myself one day, maybe it help her figure it out.
       "Victor??" She nudges me, pulling me put of my thoughts.
       "Sorry, don't mind me. If you swear to stay close I don't see a reason to make Marcus join." I know she won't leave at least.
       "I will just stretch my legs a bit, scout some and catch dinner. I won't be long Victor, worry not I can handle myself." She rubs herself all over me, leaving her scent marker.
       "I will await you in the Great Hall then Caillat, have fun young one." I chuckle and she is already gone.
       I watch on as the last bit of her fades into the darkness of trees. I turn making haste to over look some paperwork regarding new land developments.
       "Father." Thorin is by my side in an instant, his question virtually slapping me.
       "She is a Lycan of the artic branch, she isn't too far south thankfully but still why she came to be down here is a mystery." Answering his unspoken question quietly, his pace even with mine.
       "Father she smelled incredible, I have never scented something so inviting before. I want to keep her close, you must never send her away Father." Thorin growls lowly and that is a new reaction from him.
       "What is it that draws you near?" I glance at him curiously as we continue home.
       "The urge to protect her, we have to keep her safe. I can't understand it really but I feel it in my core." Thorin keeps his gaze ahead but I can feel the sincerity from him. Maybe he will have more drake qualities after all.
       "I understand that fairly well. You see her vulnerable just as I do, if you feel this strongly next winter then I shall allow her to remain." I think he will feel differently if he knows her strength, it should quell the need to protect her.
       "What did she scent earlier? When she went all aggressive?" Thorin's demeanor calms, accepting my suggestion.
       "It was another Lycan but the scent is a week old, I personally couldn't pick up on it." I chuckle slightly.
       "That sounds fairly impressive on her part then. To scent something so incredibly faint." Thorin also chuckles knowingly.
       "Indeed so Thorin, she lacks knowledge so tread carefully. Let her warm up to you, bring presents and talk as if she will respond." I suggest casually
       "What else Father?" He knows I am up to something, such a clever one, then again dragons are know for wisdom.
       "If she opens up even a little to you, interact with her as I do. Pay close attention my boy from now on, and keep an eye on your siblings if they are near. Do not let them appoarch if you can help it."
       "Is Caillat dangerous?"
       "Not intentionally but if pushed to far she is exceptionally dangerous. The most critical time of her existence was spent solely fighting. There was no balance to her education and that will leave a permanent mark." I rub my temple, this year already proving to be the most unquie thus far.
       "This seems highly problematic given what information you have taught me already."
       "Yes Thorin, I only tell you this because I will need your help. She already figured you are different but I don't think she understands what makes you different."
       "Why won't you just tell her everything?"
       "Unloading knowledge before she even understands her ownself is dangerous. It is dangerous for any supernatural, it will take at least 100 years before the new kin are ready for knowledge beyond themselves and humans."
       "Then why did you educate me?"
       "Because you are a hybrid lineage and carry traits of all supernaturals. Also I slowly taught you over the course of 10 years. There is still much I have yet to teach you about. Caillat only learned survival and core fighting techniques. It seems minimal etiquette and common knowledge she possesses too, thankfully."
       "What can I do to help?"
       "I want you to fetch a bow and arrows, head for our hunting trail. Keep your scent masked till your ready to take a shot. When she comes to you and she will, ignore her and focus on a successful kill. Head to the cabin and do a few days out there."
       "What do you think this will achieve Father?"
       "If she responds the way I expect, it will be educational for both of you." I chuckle, so lost in our conversation only now realizing we are in front of the Great Hall.
       "I will take my leave then Father. Leave this to me, I will help Caillat too." Thorin rushes pass me, heading straight for the hunting room.
       I gaze to my empty throne chair, 5 warriors waiting quietly for me. Time to see what has happened in my absence the last 6 months. Hopefully all my boys and commanders did their duty properly.

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