Title: In Memory Of Those Who Chose The Stars
Author: saveadanceforme
Grade: 78% C
Disclaimer: Excerpts from the story titled above do not belong to me. Jayden, I promise your review will be next. It's not very nice of me to put it off. I know. I've started reading your novel, so it's coming.
First things first, that title is far too long. My personal title length rule is 5-6 words maximum, so eight is particularly criminal. Yes, it sounds poetic, and yes, it fits the general vibe of the speculative sci-fi genre, but if your title looks like a Fall Out Boy song, we have a problem. It sounds pretty in theory, but it's long enough to be a huge hassle to put on a cover. Speaking of the genre, it's very curious to me that 'fantasy' is in the tags where 'sci-fi' should be. I can't even really say it's sci-fi fantasy, because that would evoke images of cyborg elves or something. This story is about aliens who crash a spaceship into Mars. That's straight Star Wars, honey. Anyway, it might be advisable to add some new tags or switch out existing ones, to see if you can maneuver your way onto a few hotlists. (#thehotlistsystemsucks)
COVER & DESCRIPTION. Description is great, short and sweet. I like to make mine longer, but it gets the job done without spoiling any more of the plot than necessary, and sounds enticing. Fantastic job. The cover is... mildly aesthetically pleasing, and alright for a Canva cover. I know Canva is a biotch. It doesn't really jump out at me, though. I kind of remember liking the old cover, I thought it was pretty. I think I preferred that one, but really, this cover's greatest crime is that it's trying to force itself to fit that Fall Out Boy book title. I like it enough, and it works. I have to give it some credit for not looking exactly like every other sci-fi novel but still managing to exude sci-fi vibes.
The Writer's Gradebook | Closed For Requests
Non-Fiction*HARSH REVIEWER WARNING!* We all know how Wattpad can be. Jaw-droppingly beautiful stories get less than a thousand reads while flaming piles of garbage riddled with cliches and contrivances that barely pass for plot reach into the millions and shoo...