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QUICK SEMI IMPORTANT NOTE! : I'm using he/they for Poob because my brain has trouble keeping straight on they/them pronouns and defaults to he/they. I apologize and I know it kind of comes off as offensive and disrespectful, I swear I wouldn't do this to an actual person. I just don't want to spend an hour at the end of this just replacing all the "he's, him's, etc.", with they.

They sat there, the stinging pain in their eye only increasing as the scurrying of legs could be heard going through the forest.

It was supposed to be a normal day, but Poob knew something was off when Pest was.. incredibly more silent than usual. They had both went to Two Stud Camp to just relax, and yet Poob found himself pinned against a tree by an arrow, shot by none other than his closest 'friend', Pest.

The only thoughts running through his head, were 'How am I going to get out of this?!' and the lingering thought, a single word


Poob spoke out loud to themself, and started trying to pull the arrow out, to no success. The only thing that came out of their mouth was a wail of pain as tears started to stream down his face. This wail was heard by a nearby person, and there was ruffling in the bushes.

Poob tried to look over but just moved the arrow, making himself in pain and bleed more as he hissed in pain. Then, something came out of the bush. It was.. Spud..? That was relieving for Poob, as they thought it was Pest coming back..

Spud slowly crawled over to Poob with his arms, muttering his own name to himself as he assessed the situation.

"This is pretty spud bad.. Spud spudd.. What even made spud.. him do that.. spud..?"

Poob couldn't even get any words out of their mouth, they were too shocked and scared to speak.. They just slightly shrugged to indicate they didn't know.. Spud seemed to see that Poob was at a loss for words, and decided to do the only thing he saw fit.

"Ok, spud.. I'm gonna have to spud pull this out.."

Poob was terrified of how badly that would hurt.. but put a shaky thumbs up..


He screamed as he pulled the arrow out of Poob's eye. The eye came out with the arrow and his, now empty, eye socket was bleeding heavily. Poob held his hand over his eye, scared and crying. He quickly scurried over to Spud and held onto him with his other arm. Spud signalled for Poob to get on his back, and they made there way back to the elevator, Hoping to find someone to help poor Poob. Unfortunately it could take a while, with the elevator being completely random and the two not having enough coins to go straight to a floor of their choosing.

Ending this chapter here so I can have a nice start to the next chapter ^^

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