The Journey Begins

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Note: Im so sorry for putting this off I legit forgot about it, and then I saw the photo for the trend on Tik Tok and its not what I originally thought but I like this story idea better so imma keep writing it I'm sorry for keeping y'all waiting-


The two began to go back to the elevator, Poob holding onto Spud on his back as well as holding his sleeve on his missing eye, limiting the bleeding. As they trekked through the trees and bushes, they heard rustling, and a low, hissing sound. Spud got a really panicked look and began muttering his own name again, moving quicker now. Poob turned around and scanned the surrounding area, spotting red eyes glaring at him from a short distance away. A few seconds later another few arrows got shot near them. Spud panicked, dropping Poob and running off..

Poob hurriedly got up scrambling to grab his party hat that he dropped, until a foot stepped on it. Looking up, he saw Pest glaring him down. He had never seen such a bloodthirsty, hungry look in his eyes before, and the sight matched with his claws and sharp teeth bared made him want to start wailing. Nevertheless, Poob backed away and, as Pest took one step forward, Poob sprinted towards the direction of the elevator.

After a couple of minutes of running, blood dripping down and off his face, and no sign of Pest anywhere, he found the elevator and quickly started pressing the 'close' button until it began to close. As it closed slowly, Poob sat down, but that was soon disturbed by a quick scurrying sound, and Pest trying to pry the elevator open with his tail and claws. Poob backed away in pure fear and began crying, holding his knees in his arms to be as far away as possible.


They screamed. As they screamed, they could see Pest's gaze slightly soften, and they slowly released the elevator doors. There was a slight growl that faded as the elevator finally closed and went up. Poob cowered in a corner and cried, thinking to himself..

'W-whats wrong with him..? Why is he doing this? W-what made him stop..? D-did I do something to u-'

Poob's thoughts were soon cut short upon the arrival of a floor. It was the Funny Maze.. He wasn't fond of what the level held, but he also knew the elevator wasn't going to move for a while, so he went in. By now his eye had stopped profusely bleeding, but there was still a small trail behind them. They heard the gate shut behind him, and it was startling, but they continued on.

They had found nothing of value, and had yet to run into anyone. That was until he heard footsteps and some giggling. He turned a few corners and down the hallway saw the jet black hairball, or Bive, and Flesh Cousin, or Fleshy for short. Bive was rambling on to Fleshy, as it cluelessly walked around, seemingly wanting to get away from the rambling woman.

Poob tried to blow his party horn, but was quick to realize that it was gone. He decided to walk up to Bive and Fleshy instead of blowing his horn like he usually does. He finally reached the two, since they were still walking as he was approaching.


He was cut off by Bive's scream, both from being startled and from seeing his face.

"Holy sh- Y-your eye! WHAT HAPPENED?! was it one of those spies I've WARNED you about..? Or-or was it THE BUG!"

After hearing 'the bug', Poob looked at Bive and slightly nodded. A slight hum of approval confirming it was 'the bug'.

"Hehe I knew it! I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM THAT.. THING! He hides in the walls.. those red eyes.. fangs.. tail.. HES BAD NEWS AND YOU DIDNT LISTEN!"

Poob was quick to shush Bive. Knowing Bive's... Thought process, he 'agreed' with her. 

"Y-yeah, you were right..  But, uhh.. I.. I don't know whats wrong with him.. He's never like.. like this.. Its like he's snapped.. Just gone.. uhh.."

He was cut short from Bive's rambling about where Pest could be and where Fleshy had disappeared to. Poob watched as she started rambling more and more, and then she eventually started walking off. Just as she reached the end of the hallway they heard the elevator make a 'ding!' as if it had just arrived. 

They both looked at each other, confused.

When did it leave..?

(Im gonna go play regretevator now lol-)

(I don't have lots of friends u can friend me on roblox my account is Jonah_Marshall and the @ is heaven00022 )

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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