4. Passing Nights

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WE made it home and even though it was a quiet car ride home, I was still pissed that the situation even happened.

"UNCLE ENZO !!!" I was yelling his name from the top of my lungs while Ace got my stuff from the back of the car. When he didn't come down from the stairs I knew he was probably at work or something along those lines. I turned around and Ace was right in front of me looking at me with an irritated look.

"You fucking price of shit, you can't just be a dick about everything that I do. For once in your life use your head you fucking asshole". I could tell he was pissed because he looked at me with a hard glare but I would be putting up a fight, even if it leads to a physical one.

"You know what, you've are so full of yourself that I'm fucking sick of it. I was hired to fucking protect you Michaela not deal with your bullshit."

"my bullshit, MY BULLSHIT Ace?! I didn't ask for a bodyguard anyway so I don't really fucking need you. I can do better than what you're doing all by myself."

"Oh really then do it and don't come to me when you need something"

"Trust and believe I won't and I'll have you fucking fired Ace, FIRED".

"Go ahead then, be my guest; I could care FUCKING LESS!!".

I started walking up the stairs and went straight to my room, with tears streaming down my face, slamming the door.

I started walking up the stairs and went straight to my room, with tears streaming down my face, slamming the door

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I was so sick of dealing with her and her shit. She was the only thing that could get me upset but I can't leave because I will be apart of her life for around 8 years. That contract wasn't just a protection one but potentially marriage. Even though I'm pissed. I have to admit, she looked fucking irresistible in that dress. The way it fitted her curves and how the sliver jewelry fitted perfectly with that gray color. I can't be pissed and attracted at the same time. She makes things so fucking complicated.

I ran a hand down my face and sat on the couch in my room. I grabbed my bottle of Hennessy and drank straight from the bottle. I've never been stressed-worked up about a girl so hard in my life. With the exclusion of someone else but she's apart of my past.

I took a long drink from the bottle already felt wasted. I wasn't depressed or usually an alcohol addict but the more I drank, the more I thought and it just made me drink more. About my past and I just let it consume me like always. Oh shit my motorcycle...

 Oh shit my motorcycle

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