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Present Day 

Middle of nowhere headed to New York, she must find Steve. He will know what to do. 

She has no idea how she is going to explain how she and Bucky are still alive and why it's taken three years to find him. Honestly, I didn't care to find him until I could get Bucky safe. Last time we were on the run was only a week before Hydra found us.

I look over he is fallen asleep, his head lulled back, and even some drool coming down his chin. I bet he hasn’t slept this well in a while.  

I can only hope to get him and I to safety before Hydra gets word of where we are heading. As I'm lost in my own world, I finally look over he is awake and staring at me.

“Hey Bucky,sleep well” “Uh yeah best in a long time” he says. He tries to reach out and touch her. He wants to comfort her, and he feels like he has been too selfish. “How long have we been on the road?” he asks. “About seven hours we still have about twelve more to go.” 

He just nods, and she reaches to him back and connects her hand into his wrapping her fingers into his metal ones. She brings his metal hand to her lips and kisses it. His heart jumps a little bit when she brings his hand to her lips. He can feel the heat buildup in his body like she just ignited a spark in him that has been dead for so long. 

“Bucky, we need to stay on the road. We can’t risk stopping. I made that mistake last time.” He nods in understand “of course, he pauses we need to get somewhere safe.”

"We are heading to New York to see Steve. Do you remember Steve?"

He is still holding her hand, and he doesn’t want to let go.
He thinks back a moment “yes I remember Steve, his moms name was Sarah.” “Yeah, that's right” she says with a pang of sadness.

She is nervous to ask him if he remembers her.  But  curiosity gets the best of her. “Bucky do you have any memories of me?” she questions. His memory is still fuzzy, but he looks at her and a few memories flood his mind. The wedding photo he remembers dancing with her in the white dress, she looked like an absolute angel.

“I remember you or at least I feel like I do. As I look at you, things about you are familiar to me, but I can't quite place them. I feel like I know you, but it's as if some things are still missing.”  

The pang to her heart he remembers Steve’s mom’s name but not her. Hydra must have done something extra this last time. The hold she had over him isn't as strong as it once was. Did Hydra figure out how to break the bond? She lets out a Shakey breath one she didn't know she was even holding. Bucky gives her hand a small squeeze. “What's on your mind, pretty girl?” God his voice with that Brooklyn accent coming thru. It's enough that she can feel the wetness pool between her legs. “Just that we should make a plan can you drive Buck?’ “Ya what's wrong?” he asks. “Just been on the road awhile is all I could use some sleep.” 

“Sure, thing doll pull over and I'll take over.” She releases his hand and finds a spot to pull over. As she exits the car, she has to stretch her back is killing her, and her legs feel almost numb just like her ass. She makes her way to the passenger side, and he opens the door for her. Maybe Bucky is still in there. “Haven’t lost your charm” He smiled back, and I could just kiss him right here. But I won't don't need to scare him off. Bucky coming out of brainwashing is like having a scared, abused puppy. If you move too fast, it will bite.  

She gets in, and she lays her head against the cool window. About ten hours to New York. Ten hours to freedom or at least  she hopes.  


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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