Chapter 27: We're Just Broken Things

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Song Credits: Midnight Kids & Linney - Broken Things

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory 

Sama reveals some of her past to Skyelle, and the girl feels sad for seeing what happened in Kintoru's past.


"Kintoru! Come here!" I enter the throne room, red eyes scanning over my creator. The Eldritch God, also known as the Evil God. He had apparently stole Jigoku's throne from the ex-ruler, the demon, Shinigami in the past. 

My heels click on the stone ground. I stand at the front of the throne, still and straight. My creator was in his true form, one that was terrifying to stare at.

"Yes, creator?" His eyes trail down to me. "I need you to find that stupid Samurai. The one that's coming to make a deal with me to seal you four. Trick him somehow, and control him."

I nod. "Yes sir. I won't fail you." He booms, "I sure hope so Kintoru. You are my favorite after all-"

I walk away, clawed hand up and in front of my face. My humming was quiet. I walk past the other three. Enzukai sneers. "Oh, if it isn't the favorite. If you fail, then that spot is mine."

Yuma and Netamo say nothing about it. Maybe all three of them secretly wanted me dead. So that he can move onto his next pawn.

I never even noticed the red cloaked figure whose face that consisted of a smiling mask, that was in the shadows of Jigoku. Waiting. Ready for his ruler to take over again.


News spreads fast. Enzukai was sealed underwater, Yuma underground, and Netamo was in a strong cage. Of course I get sealed to that horrible tree.

And then here I am. I failed my creator. Failed to finish off that stupid bloodline. Of course at some point the ex-ruler of my old home took his throne back. And the Eldritch God was "too busy" to even notice.

That red cloaked figure with the smiling mask from before, took my enemy to Jigoku at some point, probably during my mission to control him.

I knew it in the end. Knew that he went there. Met that foolish ex-ruler that seemingly took over at one point. There was also that corrupted version of my puppet, Hiachi. They both love crying, it seems.

But for me? I was bent on my revenge. Enzukai was freed at some point, and it seems that they actually managed to take over. Not me though.

Definitely not ever...


"Sama, what're you thinking about now?" I crawl up to her, sitting in her lap. She grabs me up, and kisses my head.

"Butterfly, can I tell you something about my past?" My eyes look up into her beautiful red ones. I nod slightly, tilting my head.

She then places a hand on my head, and I wake up with her next to me. However it wasn't my Sama. It was the old one.

I see her creator talking to her, to her allies hating on her for being his favorite pawn. I do notice the red cloaked figure hiding in the darkness, and the smiling mask it had on.

(Skyelle sees what was happening from before, and hates how everyone was making Sama seem useless.)

Sure this made her seem even more sinister, but deep down I knew that she was my partner after all in the end.


My eyes widen at seeing her get stabbed by Yasu. I run up to Saigomo, who was bleeding excessively from her chest.

"Saigomo! Please don't go... I love you!" He doesn't see me, but the spider turns to me. I wanted to cry. This was how it went.

Her claw went on my face, holding it. Her many eyes tear up. "I... I know you. Please keep my future self happy and safe. He will come back for her..."

Nodding, I kiss her deeply. Her eyes close, and I sob as I held her in my lap. My cries were all that was heard. Then those stupid hands came, to collect my dying lover.

Of course he doesn't see me either, however I tried my damndest to keep her close. Letting go wasn't easy. My shirt was stained black. With her blood.


Waking up, I go immediately to hugging her. Sniffling and blurting out, "Please, I can't lose you!" She sighs, sadly smiling and held me close.

I cling onto her dress, not intending on letting go. The witch then says, "Love, I'm not letting anyone take us apart, okay?"

My answer was shaky. "O-okay Sama. I l-love you Toru." Her humming was quiet. I ask, "Can you please hum louder? I love your hum." 

Her red eyes soften. "Sure Butterfly." Soon I fall asleep, cuddling into my partner's lap, letting the sounds of her hum calm me.

Flashes of Saigomo dying in my lap kept showing up. Her blood staining my shirt. The way her creator called her 'useless'.

As much as I want to kill him for hurting her, I knew that I wasn't able to. A mere mortal as me, can't exactly defeat the horrible person that created my partner.

Not unless we had a plan to. However I knew it would be impossible to do anything about it.

But no-one was going to take her away from me ever again. Not even a million pairs of hands that have the power to squash me...


Skyelle was in tragedy after seeing what happened in my past. My clawed hand runs through her hair, trying to calm her.

Her heartbeat was slowing down from what speed it was before. My red eyes look over her. She was my everything in this world. 

I didn't want to lose her. And she was scared to lose me, especially when she saw me die as Saigomo. I never even knew what happened in that memory.

Not even knowing about the fact that Saigomo wanted Skyelle to protect me from him


My partner was still sleeping away in my lap, covered by a blanket I had put on her. I sigh, leaning back on the pillows.

My eyes seem heavy, and I wanted to fall asleep. But just couldn't. What if Skyelle was gone when I woke up again?

However I end up falling asleep, holding my darling human close as I do so...

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