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"Breach?" Havi asks "What's that even supposed to me?"

"Well, when I was maybe 4, my dad had said a branch of the Association had been disconnected due to them finding out it was doing dangerous things. The Bio Research Environment And Creature Hereditary Branch was discontinued due to gruesome testings on the environment and creatures. They exiled the one who created the branch and funded the repairs for the damages the costs" Killua said.

"So what? They did stuff to the environment and on living creatures?" Havi asked

"From what Killua told me, they did some really bad stuff to poor creatures. They even took as far as doing test on humans" Gon said in a sad tone.

"Human testing huh?" Havi said quietly to himself. Havi had wondered that maybe they had something do to with Allister's condition.

"Say, aren't you the one that the Hunter's Association placed a bounty on?" Gon asked.


"Yeah, you're right, Gon. Pretty cool, whatcha do to get on the Association's bad side?" Killua asked.

"It's nothing. I'm just looking for those who caused me some trouble back when I was a kid" Havi said.

"If anyone can help you, it would be the Association" Gon said.

The thought of asking the Association for help made Havi feel somewhat sick. As far as he knew, the Hunter's Association were the one's responsible for his family being lost.

Havi's phone begins to ring

"Hello? Oh, hey, Kurapika"

Gon jumps towards Havi's phone

"KURAPIKA!!!" he said.

"Shit, kid! Personal space" Havi said

"S-sorry. I just haven't heard from him in a really long time, so I got excited. I do that with Killua sometimes" Gon says.

Killua's face starts to turn red

"Cut it out, baka! You're just as embarrassing as always" Killua said, punching Gon on the back of his head.

"Ow, Killua!" Gon said.

" were saying, Kurapika?" Havi continued.

"Yes. The Chairwoman wants to summon you before her" Kurapika said

"What! Why on Earth would she want to see me!" He yelled

"It's...nothing bad. You have my word." Kurapika promises

Havi let's out a long groan "Fineee" he says, and hangs up.

"Come on, Ali, guess we're heading to the Hunter's Association" he says

"Wait! We're coming too! I want to see Kurapika!" Gon piped up.

The four of them journey towards the Hunter's Association. Havi sensed the strong bond between Gon and Killua. Two young hunters who seem nothing like their parents. As he watched the two joke around and play as they walked, Havi felt happy to see the two of them so close to each other.

"Here we are! The Hunter's Association!" Gon said cheeefully.

As they entered, the four are searched for any manufactured weapons. As the continue walking through the halls, Gon immediately spots Kurapika and runs towards him, hugging him.

"Kurapika! I missed you so much!" Gon said to him.

Kurapika pats him on the head. "I misses you too, Gon"

Killua slowly walks up him. "Yo"

"Oh, hey Killua. Thank you for helping me find a good expedition team for the Dark Continent"

"No prob. Wouldn't want nothing to happen to you" he said mischievously.

Havi approaches with Allister closely cluching his arm, fearing for his safety.

A young woman comes in from behind Kurapika.

Kurapika stands professionally

"Havi. Allister. This is the Chairwoman of the Hunter's Association. Ms. Cheadle Yorkshire.

"H-hey..." Havi says nervously.

"Asher Daven. So you're the one who's been targeting the Association? Kurapika has told me a lot about you." Cheadle says.

Havi gives Kurapika a death stare.

"I know who you really are, Havi. At least I know that." She said

Havi, gulps

"Kurapika has told me you've helped him with much of his work. He's also told me you helped save that poor boy, despite assassins coming for you, and you even went out of you're way to help these two young hunters" she says.

"Yeah, I try to help, for the most part"

Cheadle gives a lone look at Havi. Trying to get a read on him

"I see there's a lot of good in you, and I'd like to assist you in helping you find what you're looking for. I hereby pardon you for your crimes against the Association, and declare you an ally."

"Huh?" Havi says.

"Kurapika told me you're the sole survivor of the Usher Family incident?" Cheadle says.

"How do you know about my family?" Havi asks.

"Because, a Lena Usher contacted me." Cheadle said.

"Wait! My sister? Lena is alive?!" Havi said with excitement.

"Yes. She's currently staying with a group of amateur hunters. I can send you over there. She can explain the current situation at hand while you two catch up" Cheadle says.

"Please, Ms Yorkshire. I would very much like to see her, I would forever be in your debt if you allow me to" Havi pleaded

Cheadle gives off a smile and shakes her head.

"I know you'll do good for us, Havi. You're special. Here, I'll have Kanzai escort you to your sister." She says

Havi, Allister and Gon get in the car. Killua decided to stay behind to talk to Kurapika about the incident in the Dark Continent. The three of them got annoyed by Kanzai's constant complaining, but Allister kept looking at the gleam that Havi had in his eyes. His happiness to see his sister. Allister was happy to see someone he cared about so happy.

Kanzai drops them off

The three get out. Gon seemed quite familiar with the place. There was a decent size cabin. The fresh air and overview of the flowing water was beautiful. The orange sunset captivated them. Has they walked in the mansion, there were no lights. The door the entered suddenly shut. A shadow jumped down in front of them. They weren't holding anything, then suddenly a rifle appeared in their hand. Havi could see the silhouette look at their rifle, and he heard them say...

"A bad roll"

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