Chapter 25

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Dudley linked arms with Angelique as they made their way back up the hall. 

Newton stood up and noticed their long faces.

"What happened?" he said.

"Mamon is looking for me. I mustn't expose Dudley to her anger" Angelique whispered.

She looked at her sister. "Camille, you must go back to our compartment before she sees you."

"Now Angelique" Newton began. "If you continue to let her torture you, you'll only be encouraging her."

"You don't know her, Monsieur Weekes" said Henri. "And you don't know my father."

"The burgermeister is just as short-tempered as Mamon" said Camille.

"I still believe we could do something about this" said Newton.

"No, Newton, you mustn't" said Camille.

"Camille, your health is too delicate for this poppycock" said Newton. 

"My health is not as important... as your safety" Camille whispered. 

"Angelique! Camille!" Agathe's voice snapped from a distance.

Agathe herself marched up to her daughters with Claude behind her.

"Angelique! What is going on?" she said.

She looked at Dudley. "Who is this?"

"Madame, I didn't mean any harm" said Dudley.

"You mean harm to my daughter's marriage! How dare you allow such untrue behavior towards her fiancee?!" Agathe shouted.

"Mamon, he is..." Angelique began.

"I do not care who he is! He is destroying your betrothal!" Agathe yelled.

Newton stood up with an angry face. "Have you the nerve to slander a poor but honest actor?"

"This does not concern you, young man!" Agathe screamed.

"Don't you raise your voice! You're going to give poor Camille a death of a headache!" scolded Newton.

"She should have thought about that before associating with a pair of strangers!" yelled Agathe.

"Henri! I see you were a part of this. You want your families to never unite?" Claude scolded his son. 

"Papa, this is bad for Angelique's happiness" said Henri.

"Son, her happiness is meant to come from this! Even so, you will marry her" said Claude. 

"Angelique, you have embarrassed yourself quite enough" said Agathe grabbing her daughter's arm. 

Then she looked at the two actors. "And as for you two gentlemen... I do not know what you are trying to do to my daughters... but you have picked the wrong family to deal with."

Amy ran over and grabbed Agathe's dress to try and pull her away from Dudley and Newton.

When she saw the girl's face, Agathe kicked her away and she went flying across the tea area.

Dudley faced Agathe with tears in his eyes. "Now you've done it."

He tried to give her a piece of his mind, but he couldn't. 

He held his stomach in pain once again.

"Dudley!" Angelique gasped.

"What's happening?" said Newton.

"This happened before" said Angelique. 

She tried to steady Dudley, but Agathe pulled her back. 

"Angelique... it wasn't meant to be like this" said Dudley.

"Don't you dare speak to my daughter!" Agathe yelled.

"You could have spoken to her! About what she's been through!" Newton defended. 

"And you! You care so deeply for Camille, but you feel the need to ruin her life?" said Agathe.

"I am not ruining Camille's life, lady. You are!" Newton snapped.

Agathe dropped her jaw.

"Angelique..." Dudley whispered.

"Oui?" Angelique whispered back.

Dudley's breathing was becoming shaky, but he managed to whisper a few words.

"I love you..."

Then he collapsed on the floor and Newton knelt down beside him. 

Angelique wanted to join, but Agathe saw this as an opportunity to drag her and Camille away. 

Lady Beatrice, Lady Ginevra and Lady Henrietta saw the whole thing and approached the fallen actor.

"Can you help him?" said Newton.

Lady Ginevra put her hand on Dudley's chest. His heart was still beating, but he needed help. 

Lady Henrietta picked up Amy and carried her back. 

Lady Beatrice helped Lady Ginevra lift Dudley up and carry him back to his compartment. 

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