Chapter 20

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Newton returned to the compartment where Dudley was just getting ready for bed. 

"Dudley. How are you getting along with Angelique?" Newton asked.

"Perfectly, actually" said Dudley.

"Splendid. Has Amy gone to bed yet?" said Newton.



Dudley sat on his bed and looked at his partner with a scared face.

"Newton, I'm sure the ladies appreciate what we're doing for them. But I feel as though we're neglecting poor Amy with this whole thing. She needs someone to hold onto" he said.

"That's very true. But we can't bring her home if she can't even identify her home" said Newton. 

"The least we could do is introduce her to our lady friends" said Dudley.

"They're strangers to her" said Newton. 

"They're strangers to us too. If you're so against Amy talking to strangers, why did you decide to help one through a family issue?" said Dudley.

Newton looked away to try and think about it. 

"Does it suffice to say I felt sorry for the girl when we saw the argument?" he said.

"Ordinarily, it would. But knowing you, you'd wave it away saying it was none of our business" said Dudley.

This statement made Newton need to think even harder.

"Never mind. It may have done something for me. If Angelique can manage it" said Dudley.

"There you are. I was helping my partner when he didn't know he needed it. Now we'd best get some sleep" said Newton.

"Yes. Good night, old boy" said Dudley.

"Good night" Newton replied.

So the two actors settled down for the night, still thinking of the task at hand.

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