Tally verse

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Joe: (To Zubin) so did you hear about that new restaurant?

Zubin: Yeah what is its name?

Joe: Freddy Faz's pizza or something 

Zubin: yeah that was it

Joe: so do you want to go?

Zubin: isn't it  for little kids?

Joe: Yes, but what does it matter?

Zubin: ok if you want it go so bad, I'll go with you 

Joe: I sold my car to buy drugs.. I mean to pay my rent. So we are going have to use Ross's car 

Zubin: ok 

( Joe and Zubin drive to Freddy faz bear's pizza )

Joe: Check out that lazy dude with all that crazy food! 

Zubin: that is some crazy food! Wait is this Freddy faz bear's? 

Joe: Yes, can't you see?

Zubin: is the pharmacist, Joe did you take your schizophrenic pill today? 

Joe: No... Zubin were did you go? Hello Zubin?! Where are you!? This is not the pharmacy this is the street where I live, where do I live again? O! There's my house, wait I don't have a house silly me 

Ross: Joe, wake up man

Joe: (random noises) where I'm?

Ross: You fell asleep in my car. You need to get ready if you want to come with us to walmart

Joe: what? since when were we going to walmart?

Ross: I texted the group chat yesterday night that the new Mario tennis was coming out today, we all plan to go to Walmart today to pick it up, you said you were coming 

Joe: I don't remember that, but I will still come 

Ross: well get out of my car we are taking  Andrew's car

Joe: Ok, but I have to get some 

( by the way all the tallies live together in this universe)

Ross: Ok

( some time past and now everyone is waiting for Joe in Andy's car) 

Rob: Where is that proud loud guy we adore?

Ross: He said he had to get some thing 

Rob: Someone go in and get him 

Andrew: I will 

Rob: Ok 

(Andrew goes in inside they house) 

Andrew: Joe! What are you doing we're going to leave with out you if you don't hurry up!

Joe: I can't find my Hello kitty plushie 

Andrew: Can't you go anywhere with out your Hello kitty? ( Andrew says in a sassy tone)

Joe: No I can not!

Andrew: did you check the microwave?

Joe: No why would it be in the microwave 

( Joe looks in the microwave)

Joe: why is it in the microwave?!

Andrew: Rob put it in they, he said it would turn into cheese cake 

Joe: O that makes sense 

(Joe grabs his hello kitty plushie and him and Andrew walk back to the car)

Zubin: did you find what you were looking for?

Joe: Yes

Rob: Is that the Hello kitty stuff animal I put in the microwave, I put  it in there to turn into cheese cake!

Joe: Yes, and it's mine, so don't turn it in to cheese cake !

Ross: Why do you have a Hello kitty plushy Joe?

Joe: Shut up!

Andrew: Says sorry Rob for trying to turn Joe's Hello kitty toy in to cheese cake

Rob: I'm sorry Joe 

Joe: I will accept your apology

(The car goes silent for awhile)

Ross: do you guys want to play would you rather?

All the other Tallies: Yes

Ross: ok, would you guys rather be a beaver or a possum?

Andrew:  Possum so I can hang upside down 

Rob: A beaver 

Zubin: Beaver so I can have a lake side house 

Joe: A possum I guess 

( After a long car ride they get to Walmart)

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