chapter two

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This is a spider man chapter so there will be more action and other Stuff I hope you enjoyed

*school just ended and you watching the neighborhood. BTW you are wearing the human spider from spider man 1*

Y/n: *he using a police scanner for crimes* who knew being a hero is boring .

Police scanner: they is a car speeding and reports say they are carrying a guns look like they just rob the bank*

Y/n: Alright some action

*location the freeway*

Robber 1: alright I think we lost the cops pull over to the wear house.

Y/n: *following the car stealthy*

*location warehouse*

Robber 2: 2nd bank in one week we are amazing.

Robber 3: you can say that again.

Robber 4: have you heard about oscorp have a meteor land near their tower.

Robber 5: shut up.

*there is 5 Robbers btw*

Y/n: *shoot the webs on to a barrel*

Robber 1: what was that Robber 4 check it out.

Robber 4: is that webs.

Y/n: yep it is *knock him out but it made a loud noise* aww man I guess I'm going on loud.

Robber 1: get him

Y/n: *dodging all the bullets and wall running and kick on robber 5 face which made him knock out*

Robber 1: he could run against walls run guys

Y/n: *web up the door* come guys is that how you honor a guest*

Robber 3: *grab a metal pipe* ahhh

*y/n is still new being spider man do he rusty*

Y/n: alright let's do thi- *get hit with the pipe in the arms*

Y/n: ooouch *web up his feet and punch him like a punching bag*

Robber 2: *kick him in the face*

Robber 1: *beating spider man with a bat*

Spiderman: *grab the bat and hit robber 2 with the bat to knock him out and throw the bat at robber number one*

Y/n got beating up really good

*location home*

Y/n is listing to jjj show

Jjj: is that weird as soon spider man come to the picture and more criminals got caught of course not he hired random people to be as criminals so he can get the glory.

Y/n: *patching the wounds* why does jjj always blaming me for everything thing *kick my chair*

This is the end of the story I'm tired I might make new one tomorrow

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