Forever and Always: A Romione FanFic

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About a thousand chairs sat in rows next to the lake, where the Giant Squid floated lazily along. Everyone’s family, friends, practically all of Hogsmeade and an eighth of the British magical population occupied them, casually chatting to their neighbors, friend or stranger. Everyone wanted to come to the first graduation ceremony after Voldemort’s defeat.

The trees surrounding the gathering were all decorated the same way. Each had five banners draped elegantly around the leaves. The bottom four each represented one of the houses, red, blue, green, or yellow, with the house name printed in bold print. The top one was pure white, with script lettering reading “Nitwit Blubber Oddment Tweak” which became the second school motto in honor of the best headmaster Hogwarts has ever seen. After 10 minutes of watching the crowd mingle, Professor McGonagall stepped up to a podium in front of everyone.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please let me welcome you to the graduation ceremony of Hogwarts class of 1998. Thank you for coming out today, we have a lot of students to receive their diploma, so let’s get started right away,” she turned to the group of graduates who stood nervously to the side of the stage, “when I call your name, please step up to the podium where you will receive your diploma. I know a handful of you have speeches prepared and have notified me of this. So let’s get started.”

After almost half the graduating class got called up to the stage, some with endless speeches, others just a “Thanks everyone!”, it was Luna’s turn.

“Luna Lovegood,” Professor McGonagall smiled one of her rare smiles at Luna, one of a select few students she was fond of.

Luna took her diploma and stepped up to the podium, “I’m going to tell you a story,”

“Oh no,” Harry whispered to Ron, who snickered.

“When I started my fourth year, I was a loser, a freak, I was avoided, nobody would talk to me. Then I met Ginny Weasley. She was my best friend, she was nice to me, I had someone to talk to, about boys and clothes and all that girl stuff. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione started the D.A., I had even more friends, but I had more than just that, I had a boyfriend as well. I was so happy, but it all came crashing down. I was kidnapped by You-Know-Who’s followers because my daddy supported Harry Potter. I learned a lot in that little cell in the basement of Malfoy Manor. I learned how to survive with very little, I learned about wandlore, but mostly, I learned what it is like to miss someone, to really, truly, miss someone,” she stepped down with no definite conclusion, but the applause was loud all the same.”

“Thank you, Luna,” McGonnagall said, continuing to call names.

“Ginevra Weasley,” Ginny winced at the used of her full name, stood up from her chair, and took her place at the podium.

“I’ve thought a lot about what I wanted to say today. I wrote a nice long speech about the value of friendship and all that, but now, looking out at the faces of my friends and family, I won’t give that speech. Instead, I’m simply going to dedicate this diploma to a man who never wanted one. Fred Weasley, my brother,” her eyes misted over at the words, but her voice stayed strong, “Here’s to Fred.”

“To Fred!” the crowds echoed.

Professer McGonagall stood up again, this time with tears in her eyes. “And now, our head of class, Hermione Granger!”

 “Hi, everyone,” Hermione said nervously, “I am so happy to be here right now. To be alive is a miracle. I don’t know if you knew this, but I was recently on the run with Harry Potter. Maybe you’ve heard of him?” she continued to scattered laughter. Harry stared at his feet as if he had suddenly grown another one. “When Voldemort, oh come on! He’s gone!” she exclaimed, the name had caused a few gasps, “When Voldemort was finally gone, I could finish my magical education. I tried to get Harry and Ron to come to, but “it’s too much effort, we just saved the world, people won’t care how many N.E.W.T.s we got,’” she mimicked “Oh well. When I first came back to Hogwarts, I was so happy. I was home. Then preparations NEWTs started. I have always been a good student. My friends can tell you, I propably drove them insane,” “She’s not kidding!” George yelled, to laughter from the crowd, “but this was different, because this time, I didn’t have my best friends to help me through it. So, first I want to thank everyone who got me through previous years,” she looked at Ron and Harry, “and everyone who got me through this year,” she looked at Ginny and Luna, “Next, I want to thank my parents, for accepting me for who I am. My parents are Muggles. I’m Muggle-born and proud of it! Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, Professor Slughorn, and Professor Weasley,” Hermione smiled at Charlie Weasley, who took over the Defense Against the Dark Arts post this year after an incident with a mother Hungarian Horntail, “Thank you.”  

“Thank you Miss Granger, and now I believe that two people will like to make a speech. Weasley, Potter,” McGonagall said

Harry and Ron walked up to a perplexed Hermione. “What- what- are,” Hermione stuttered,

“You’ll see,” Ron tapped her nose.

“Hi everyone,” Harry started, “I thank you for letting me give a speech, and I want to say a few words about each of the people who were murdered by Tom Riddle and his followers. First, I would like to remember Dobby, the free elf. If you didn’t know, I was the one who freed him, after he saved my life, kind of. He loved socks,” he said to a snort of laughter from Ron, “Loved is an understatement,” Ron called out. Harry chuckled before continuing, “I would like to mention that Luna Lovegood started a charity to give socks to the poor. Please speak to her if you are interested. It would make Dobby so happy. Nymphadora Tonks was an Auror, and so brave, her and her husband; Remus Lupin; had just had their baby, Teddy. Teddy will have to grow up without parents, but he will learn why his parents died, because he will soon know that they were making a better life for him. Colin Creevy used to bother me so much. Then I got to know him. He was always so… enthusiastic. A bit camera-crazy, but one of the happiest people I ever met, and I am glad I got know him. Fred Weasley was my best mate’s older brother. But he became so much more than that. Mrs. Weasley took me him like I was one of her sons, so Fred was like a brother to me. His jokes and pranks drew every one off the wall sometimes, but we all loved him. Sirius Black was my godfather. He was innocent, he didn’t kill 13 people. He was accused by Peter Pettigrew, who really killed them.  He was like a dad to me, I was going to live with him, finally have a real home. He was murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange. Albus Percival Wolfic Brian Dumbledore was the best headmaster Hogwarts has ever seen. He will only be gone when all who are loyal to him are gone as well. And finally, my parents. James Potter and Lily Evans. They hated each other, but eventually fell in love, I wish I knew them, I wish they could have been there for so many things. There are so many more people who died, so many families morning. So many unnamed witches, wizards, and Muggles. If you would please stand for a moment of silence and remembrance,” Harry finished, tears shamelessly running down his cheek. Many people were openly sobbing.

Harry stepped down from the podium, grinning at Ron, for he knew what was coming.

“Hi there,” Ron began, “my name is Ron Weasley, and, umm, you knew that. I want to… Hermione!” he shouted to his confused girlfriend


“Come up here for a minute.”

“What on earth for?” she asked, but never less, stepped up next to Ron.

“Hermione, I love you. I have loved you since we were 15 and you went with Krum to the Yule Ball. I wanted you. I wanted to be with you so bad. I wish I had gotten the courage to tell you sooner, but what’s done is done. What I’m trying to say is, I love you more than anything on earth, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he slid down to one knee, and Hermione’s hands flew to her mouth, along with those of the Muggle-borns in the audience who understood. Ron pulled a small, black velvet box from his pocket.

“Hermione Jean Granger, will you marry me?”

“Oh Ron! Yes, yes, yes!” she flung her arms around him, “I love you,” she whispered in his ear.

“I love you too.”


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