chapter three

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A/n trigger warning there are mentions of abuse and self harm so if that bothers you please don't read this book there will be mentions through out the book soooooo yeah but anyways just a heads up :)

You couldn't sleep all night just thinking about what had happened you sat in your bed in the morning just thinking what the hell is going on with you and what were you feeling despite this you pushed it aside and got ready for the day putting on a black dress putting your hair in a half up half down and you walked down stairs "good morning" charlie said pulling you out of your thoughts "oh good morning everyone "what do you want for breakfast Y/N" a familiar voice from last night said startling you "oh uhm i m not really hungry ill just take a coffee thanks alastor" "ok one coffee coming up" alastor replied with his usual happy voice. All of the sudden your phone rang it was Valentino you looked at angel sitting across from you and gave him a look that ment val was calling "here you go dear" "uh thanks alastor I have to take this" you walk to the living room and answer the phone "hello" a voice too familiar answered back demanding you got to the studio "u-uh yeah I got it uh ok we'll be there in a bit uh ok bye" you mentally cursed knowing what was about to happen. You walked back into the dining room and whispered to angel "we gotta go vals looking for us and he's not exactly being patient about it" "fuck" angel cursed knowing what was about to happen"what's wrong angel" charlie asked concerned "oh nothing we just gotta run and do something" he said "well be back in a bit don't worry come on angel"

                When they arrived
"Uh you called val" you asked scared "yes where the fuck have you been. Angel I want you in studio B filming" angel ran off quickly to the studio leaving you with val
"as for you why don't we have a chat in your dressing room" you started to walk to your dressing room fearing the worst "val listen I-" he hits you cutting you off of what you were saying"you think you can just skip work and think your not getting any consequences"
"val I just-" he hit you again knocking you on the floor blood coming down your nose now.
He then picked you up slamming you into the wall of your dressing room where your mirror was, shattering it "val please I-"
"shut up you don't get to skip work and not have to pay for it no I own you so what I say goes so when I say you're coming in to work your coming in for work when I say your gonna be taught a lesson in obedience I mean your getting taught a god damn lesson in obedience now. get. up."
You get up barely able to stand glass surrounding you he picks up a piece of glass cutting a slit under your eye and hitting you after as you collapse on the ground your head starts to spin hoping that it'll be over but it isn't. He picks you up slamming you back into the wall you collapse and he leaves you there
"I hope you learned your lesson because next time I wont be so nice now im gonna go shoot you better be gone when i come back" as he walks out a couple minutes later angel walks in
"oh fuck Y/N what did he do to you. Here can you stand up" "yeah but you better go before he finds you. don't worry I'll be fine ill be at the hotel ok" "ok good luck toots" angel says before running off
"yeah you too ang" you teleport back to the hotel with the little strength you have left  and before you walk in you make sure to cover your face with some makeup as you walk in Charlie sees you  "hey Y/N wheres angel" " oh angel got a last minute call and had to run " you lied hoping she wouldn't say anything "oh ok "
" ill just be in my room"
"ok uhm call if you need anything"
"ok thanks charlie" you gave her a smile. As you start to walk to your room you pass by alastor and he looks at you surprisingly concerned.

You make it to your room and you begin to cry rethinking everything and wondering what the hell we're you thinking as always after a rough night you opened your drawers next to your bed and grabbed a small knife and walked to your bathroom as you looked in the mirror you thought it would be best to clean your face up a bit considering you had bruises and blood on your face.

After you finished you started to cut your wrists watching as the blood ran down your arm and reopening the scars you already had you began to cry tears mixing with the blood and you heard a knock on your door all of the sudden you quickly cleaned your face and the cuts making sure to clean and wrap them before throwing on a hoodie and going to open the door making sure it wasn't noticable that you were crying . To your surprise it was alastor.

"Alastor what are you doing here" you asked with a fake smile on your face. "Can I come in" he asked "uh sure what's up" you asked closing the door
"Are you alright dear something feels off about you."
"U-uh yeah I'm just tired " you sigh "ok if your sure"

"uh. I don't want to get ripped to pieces so I won't ask if I could hug you" he gave you a warm smile unlike his iconic smile he always has "for you I'll make an exception" "wait really" he opened his arms you slowly walked towards him and hugged him surprisingly he hugged back

"thank you alastor" you said with a smile "uh Y/N I was wondering if you would like to spend a night out with me" "id love to Alastor" you gave him a smile "well I better get back to charlie because shes probably wondering where I am" he said before heading out of your room

A couple hours later

There's a knock at your door you open the door with your magic as your curled into a ball on your bed "hey Y/N hows the pain" angel asks regarding the cuts and bruises on your face from Valentino earlier.

"Eh they feel how they always feel when this happens." "Hey I'm sorry toots I shouldn't have left you with him" angel says with a regretful look on his face "hey it's ok ang I didn't want you to get in trouble too it's not your fault I just I-I just"you burst into tears
"Angel I don't know how much more of this I can take I'm so sick of it I just I don't know how much longer I can take this"
you start to cry a lot harder and your having trouble breathing " hey hey hey it's ok I need you to breath or your gonna give yourself a panic attack ok breath Y/N ok follow me deep breaths in deep breaths out" you follow angels instructions and you start to feel a bit better

"hey how's that feel better" angel asked you and you try to register it in your mind considering your head is spinning "u-uh yeah I feel better thanks ang" "hey what are friends for as for val just do what he says and things won't be so bad trust me I learned that the hard way" he gave you a smile "you know what I could use ang" "what Y/N" he gave you a smirk "a drink" you said starting to laugh "come on I think husks still at the bar

A couple drinks later
Thought you'd always be mine mine~ and I was like baby baby baby ohhh~ you sang with angel following you "when I was fourteen I had my first love~ angel sang you fell off of your chair causing you both to start laughing hard

"what the hell is going on!" Vaggie said with a tired Charlie behind her "shhhhhhhhh alastor you'll wake up Vaggie and Charlie and then were fucked" you whisper yelled. "I'm not alastor ugh where's husk he was supposed to cut you guys off awhile ago" right on cue as if planned husk came up off the floor "there was nobody who could replace her who could ever come between us who could ever go above" husk said drunk as hell failing to stand he falls back on the floor "oh shit run angel"
attempting to run you fall on the floor causing you both to start laughing uncontrollably
"I'm to tired to deal with this. Alastor!" "You called" alastor appears out of thin air "alastor I need you to deal with the drunk twins" hey I find that offensive" you say trying to stand failing miserably
"don't worry I'll deal with it go to bed"

with Vaggie back to bed with Charlie alastor began to take husk and angel to there rooms and coming back for you "come on dear I think you've hade enough to drink" alastor said to you with a laugh "aww~ come on ali don't be a buzz kill I'm fine" he gives out a chuckle "come on let's get you to bed" he picked you up bridal style carrying you to your room putting you on your bed because you fell asleep snapping his fingers to put you in some sweatpants and a shirt but he noticed the cuts on your arm and he sighed changing the bandages and putting you in a hoodie "what am I gonna do with you Y/n" he said watching you sleep and placing a kiss on your forehead closing the door behind him as he left.

Wow this is a long chapter with almost two thousand words I hope this makes up for last chapter witch was a bit short:)

P.S. I hope you enjoyed

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