chapter eleven

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It's been about a week since you ate something and everyone is starting to get worried
"Y/N you haven't eaten anything all day we don't want you to get sick"
"im fine leave me alone Charlie!" You said.
You didn't look good you were really sick  and paler than usual that even husk was getting worried. you didn't mean to snap at Charlie but you were getting tired of everyone asking if you were hungry or if you were ok so you left the room and went to the ball room to train. Just then alastor appeared in the ball room because Charlie asked if he could check on you
"dear are you alright? Everyone is getting worried I wanted to-"
"I'm fine now can you leave me alone!"
"What's wrong dear you can tell me"
"I'm fine now get out!"
just then you were pinned to the wall
"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong" he said sternly with more of a serious look
"Turn them off" your shadows voice in your head said "you know you want to"
alastor had taught you how to detach it and unlike alastors yours was different 'no' you thought
this time you listened and you turned your emotions off your eyes went from a cherry red to a dark red and Alastor had noticed because you had done it before "yeah well I guess your not leaving then" you teleported behind him to start leaving to the training room so you could do shooting practice for today
"Y/N turn them back on now"
"What are you talking about"
"Turn them on I know you turned them off" he pinned you to the wall again
"I hate you I don't know what I saw in you" you said with a smile
"You don't mean that. Turn them on" he said not even flinching because he knew it wasn't true
"I do though" you said with a straight face
Just then he had kissed you and you melted into it your eyes flickering from dark to bright red landing and staying a bright red that meant you turned your emotions back on
"Feel better" alastor asked noticing your eyes were back to the beautiful red you usually have
"I'm sorry I didn't mean it I'm sorry"
"Shh it's ok I know don't cry" he had pulled you into a deep hug petting your hair
"I'm *sob* sorry I didn't mean it" you said into his chest
"It's ok I know dear"
Just then Alastors shadow showed up
"Vals here he's at the front door"
"Thank you, let's go dear we have an unwanted visitor"

You were walking with alastor to the front door and you saw val your heart stopped
"I'm just here for angel your majesty let's tell her to put the weapon down" Valentino said moving Vaggies spear with one finger you were trying to hide behind alastor so he didn't see you "ahh Y/N i see your here and that you took my advice to stop eating so much fat piggy but anyways lets go you two" "so your the reason she hasn't been eating and how dare you what makes you think you can call her that" alastor said his voice starting to sound distorted
"The fact that I own her" Valentino pulled out a contract and a red misty chain appeared around your neck pulling you to your knees in front of Valentino facing the group
"I thought you knew from the bruises on her"
"What bruises?" Charlie asked
"These" val had made your bruises all over your face appear
"Well then I assume you didn't know about her cutting herself either" he pulled your sleeves up showing your arms with the cuts as he unbandaged them
"Well this is awkward so I'm gonna leave see you at work tomorrow you two" as he left everyone stared at you
"Y/N wh-" alastor started but you said "not now"and you ran to your room angel following you
"Y/N wait!" Angel said following you  to your room
Everyone just stood there speechless

As you walked into your room and started sobbing Angel walked in and he hugged you on your bed and let you cry on his shoulder "shh i know its ok"
"Why would he do that he pulled up my sleeves in front of everyone and the worst part is, he did it in front of alastor" you sobbed and cried until you couldn't anymore

You decided to walk downstairs to everyone to explain and everyone sat and listened

"So I guess it's time to explain uh. Yes I did sell my soul to Valentino and I still haven't paid off my debt to him and I've been working to get it back. As for me cutting my self i have-"
"How long" alastor interrupted you
"What?" You asked
"How long have you been cutting yourself"
You could see in his eyes that he was mad but above all he was hurt. Hurt to why you didn't tell him
"Since I was 12" you said not looking at him
"And you didn't think to tell me! I care about you Y/N you can't keep something that big from me"
"Look I know I should have told you sooner but-"
"Obviously you didn't right because you hid it" he was now standing and looked furious
"I could have helped you damn it but you were too stubborn to tell me"
"Alastor calm down" Charlie had said trying to calm him down
"No you don't get to hide this this isn't something small either your physically hurting yourself"

"I just I didn't know what to do"
There were tears coming down your face and you were having trouble breathing
"Turn them off you won't have to deal with the pain anymore" your shadow had started putting ideas in your head because you wanted to push the thoughts down it was starting to say the thoughts in your head wich you tried not to think
'No' you thought 'not again'
"Come on you'll feel better do it"
'No stop'
"Do it!" The shadow was now standing in front of you
"What is that" Charlie said
"It's the worst part of her shadow" angel said knowing because you had told him a while back
"No not again"
"TURN THEM OFF!!" it said
You couldn't think you wanted to but you knew if you did it wouldn't end well. You couldn't take it anymore and you had turned your emotions off, your eyes once again changing colors
"No what did you do Y/N turn them back on" alastor had come up to you now shaking you
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get so mad please don't do this turn them on"
"Alastor what did she do" Charlie asked
"She turned her emotions off again"
"You're not sorry and we're done" you said
"I really am sorry please I shouldn't have yelled"alastor said again
"I don't care leave me alone" you teleported to your room leaving alastor falling to his knees and for the first time in years his smile was no where to be seen....

A/N Omg state testing sucked ugh I have to test this week too but anyways hope you enjoyed:)

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