22. End?

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I am outside the cafe after six years later. I left this place with a little bit of myself in there.

It feels weird like how it was a comfort place and now it's something which I don't even want to recall. But I have to choose this place as it started here, and it should....

" I am sorry... " said a child who was passing by me but accidently bumped into me and her stationaries fall out from her hands.

" It's okay. " I got down and start picking them up.

" He will never leave you. " She said and took her things from my hands and ran off behind me and here I was shocked and looking blankly somewhere still on my knees. I was processing it all until I met those eyes.

I want to drown and never be alive again. I want to die in them.

Wait its Ansh.


I am nervous. I cannot tell anyone that I am going to meet her, not before discussing with her. I know everyone deserves to meet her and know about her as much as I do but I think I have more business left with her.

I was confused which shirt should I wear. I know she likes formals, one more thing about her I get to know from her books. I was wearing my bottoms but for the shirts I am confused- the navy blue one or the white one or the black one.

" The white one. " My mother said from behind. I smiled at her and put aside the rest of the choices and going for the white one.

" You are not going for a business meeting I suppose. " She said while putting my coffee to the table.

" No... I am... just going out..." It's a bad idea to lie to her.

" I am your mother, Son. " Well, let's just say that I was right.

" I am going for a meeting...... an important one. " Thats all I can say to her for now.

" Give her my blessings. " She said casually and began to leave the room.

" Wai..wait...who.....what are you thinking? No no, it's not her. " I run and hold her shoulders as in trying to make her understand.

" I know only one girl for whom you get so worked up. All the best. " She pats on my cheeks and leave.

" Is it really that obvious? " I thought. 

I was ready and heading out when mom said, " You are seriously not going to tell me? "

" Everything on time mom. Bye byee. " I run out from the house.

She does have a idea whom I am meeting today, and the rest will be filled up later.

I am here finally. Oh, look at this place, my favourite cafe. I came here regularly with a little bit of hope that I might see her. 

But today is the day I am seeing her finally. We will go crazy, do whatever the fuck we want to. I need to know how she dealt with everything, and I would tell her all the fun stories of our friends so that she can be jealous and a little bit regretful. Oh, wait she also don't know about the relationship between Vansh and Shikha.

I badly want to see that reaction on her face. I missed her expressions, the way she used to live life, the way she deals with situations like effortlessly also the way I fall for her, EFFORTLESSLY.

" Okay let's go now I don't want to get late otherwise her scoldings " I thought and laughed.

I get out of my car and headed towards the cafe and saw her obviously helping a child. She is helping fairy, always helps others. 

" What the hell did that kid told her? Why is she that tensed? " I thought and then there it is our eye contact.


We are sitting at the table where I used to sit and do my things. But this is not the time of Deja-vu, I should not have called him and guess what it is already too late to think about it.

" How have you been? " He broke my train of thoughts and initiated the conversation.

" Good. " I kept my tone as neutral and normal as I can.

" Nice. So, you never really visited this place, I guess. " He asked while scratching his temple and then his hands on the table. He is nervous.

" Never wanted to hang around here. " I said in a flat tone which is my normal tone now.

" Wanted? Now you do? " He asked with a hint of hope in his eyes. 

" Not sure enough. " I have never really cared hoe I sounded or about my replies to these years. I hate myself.

" Just guess what happened? " He said in a cheerful tone while widening his eyes as it is a very big thing.

" You married? " I asked while knowing that he isn't married.

" No..not.... not that much happened. " He got slightly uncomfortable.

" So? " I asked with a questionable look in my eyes.

" Shikha and Vansh are in a relationship and before you say anything to me, they hide it from me too for months. So, we have to be on the same page here. " He gave multiple expressions in just one sentence.

" Hmm. Thats nice. " I said while thinking about how they used to fight like dog and cat but are in a happy relationship now. Something good happened, glad.

" You already knew this. " He said while scrunching his brows slightly in confusion.

" No. I am hearing it from you. It's my first time knowing about this. " I said the truth.

" This is the longest sentence you have ever said to me since we met today. " He is upset. 

I can't help it, it is me now and moreover after knowing that the psychopath is watching my moves and can easily harm them, it will be better if you hate me. 

" It's nothing to say about this. They are dating let them date. " I said with a tone who is not known to him but is my normal since last six years.

" You know I am not talking about this. I feel like I am not talking to that Aadhya, the six years and seven months ago one. " He said in a dead serious tone. The tone I was waiting for. Now he will listen to me, maybe.

" Guess what? Now we are on the same page. " It is time to end this........ it has to.











How was the chapter?? And vote it outtttttttt. Do comment your opinions.

You guys do your work by voting and commenting then I will also do mine. I guess I am clear enough? 🔪(now I have to do this also giving threats😭😭😭)

Still guys I love you so lots of love from Red 🥂

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