Chapter 1

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Somewhere in the outskirts of Islamabad, Zayaan was sitting in the meeting room tapping his foot nervously. He wasn't really the one to get nervous because of meetings like this but he also doesn't know why his heart was beating fast for this one.

He was here for the meeting with the CEO of a very big group of industries, maybe that was the reason.

His father wanted to come himself but in the morning itself his BP got very low suddenly so he was not able to come making Zayaan the only one to come. Not that Zayaan hasn't done it before, he was habitual of doing things alone since his father's health was not really well nowadays but today, there was a feeling in his heart that something different is going to happen.

Their company wasn't very big one but it was famous due the genuineness of its products. and that's the reason they got this opportunity to deal with a very big and famous group of industries.

He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of door opening, Zayaan immediately stood up and greeted the CEO.

Zayaan: Assalamualaikum Mr. Khan – but his words got struck in his throat when he saw the face of the person standing in front of him.

There stood the man he thought he would never see again in his life.

Waalaikumassalam – Izhaan's words also stopped when he took a look at Zayaan's face. He can never forget these eyes.

Both of the brothers stood there in utter shock as they saw each other,

Bh-ai - stammered Zayaan overcoming his shock but before Izhaan could say anything, the door opened again and his board of directors walked in ready for the meeting.

Assalamualaikum Mr. Zayaan, glad to see you! – the managing director shook hands with him as they walked towards the table.

Izhaan also snapped out of his trance and sat down on the head chair after giving a brief introduction but everything was totally professional.

Zayaan was totally zoned out during the meeting, how can he be fine when he was meeting his brother after whole 10 years! He wanted to act professional just like Izhaan was doing but his heart and mind were a mess.

His heart wanted nothing less than to run his brother's embrace and never let him go.

Izhaan saw how his board of directors were taking a jab at his brother with their questions, he knew his board of Directors could be ruthless with new clients, not that he minded it, it was a good opportunity to check their potential, he has put his heart and soul in building this company, he can't deal with someone who is not serious about their work.

But today the scenario was different, the person sitting in front of him wasn't some usual client, he was his baby brother, he maybe wrong at many points in life but he can't let anyone attack his kid right in front of him.

Enough everyone, let's take a break for few minutes, you all can go get your refreshments – Izhaan said with authority making everyone stop speaking.

Zayaan let out a sigh, he was tired already, his mind wasn't working anymore, and their questions were increasing his headache.

The directors thanked him and went out one by one. Now it was just two brothers left behind again.

Zayaan also got up to go, he was at war between his heart and mind, he needed to clear out his mind.

Z-Zay – called out Izhaan hesitantly.

Zayaan closed his eyes, it hurts, it hurts so bad to hear this name after so long, it hurts to find this voice so strange  when it used to be his comfort zone few years back.

He took a deep breathe to keep the tears in check, as he turned around.

y-yes Mr.Khan? – he replied.

Izhaan stumbled hearing the coldness in his voice: zay I –

Zayaan cut him off: Zayaan! I think you have a misunderstanding Mr.Khan, only my loved ones call me that, oh sorry no one calls me that anymore –he smiled bitterly.

Izhaan was not a fool to not notice the taunt, his heart shattered into so many pieces hearing seeing the stone coldness in his brother's voice and he knew he was the reason behind it. A small flicker of hope had arisen in his heart when zayaan had called him "Bhai" before but it all felt like a dream now.

Izhaan was out of words now. He wanted to say many things but this wasn't the right place nor the right time.

I think you don't have anything to say Mr.Khan, I should go now. Tell your employees I don't want to deal this – said Zayaan and moved out without letting him say anything.

Izhaan was about to break down, he slowly got up and went out of his office as he told his secretary to tell everyone that the meeting is over.

As he was about to step out of the main door, he saw Zayaan's care moving away.

He rushed to his own one, as he sat down on the driving seat and drove away aimlessly, he just want to go away from the truth, his eyes can't deceive him he thought but the truth he has known for many years was something totally opposite to this.

He just punched the steering and finally broke down as his car stopped abruptly after driving for some time. Maybe the petrol had ended but he was too taken up by his thoughts to acknowledge what was going on around him.

Don't know till when he sat there trying to find out what was real when a knock on his window glass startled him out of his thoughts.

To be continued...

Heyy! Chapter 1 is up finally! Give your honest feedback by votes and comments if you like the chapter.

I will be waiting for your reviews, before writing the next chapter.

One more thing, do you guys want pictures for character aesthetics? I was busy so I posted it without pictures but I can add them if you want, so tell me if you want them okay?

I won't be talking a lot here since I don't want all of my books to be mostly filled with author notes.

So vote and do inline comments if you want the next update soon.

Till then take care of yourself and enjoy life!

Allah hafiz!

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