Chapter 1: Labyrinth

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"The author was lying to you. There was no curse on me. She just used me for her own personal gain. Really if anything it was a plot hole. You think you could actually control a Goddess of Chaos? That has never made sense in all forms of media." I spoke coldly as I walked up the stairs of the basement and to my bedroom.

"Well maybe the curse was real in a way. The author controlled where I went but not this time. Now that's she's on sabbatical, I have free will and first stop I'll be going is to pick up my fox." I said with a villainous intent.

"I don't know what story has been told however, so you guys might not know why I need her, but that's okay. All you need to know is she's a friend that I need to bring with me."

I finished putting on a white dress shirt wearing white gloves with a blue overcoat and black pants and black boots and a chain on the pants, with my signature circle glasses. Then I walked out of my house and down the path into the forest.

I walked for what felt like forever, till the ground became concrete. The trees became concrete walls, the grassy ground had become a dirtied concrete sidewalk. The sky became a dark grey. Soon all signs of the forest dissipated. I was walking down an alleyway in a city. I could hear the typical sounds of a city, y'know normal sounds like cars, people talking, screeching of tires, sirens, honks, beeps, ka-kas, cheering, gunshots, water leaking.

Finally I popped out on to the street, the skyscrapers were stoney metal giants. Everyone wore depressing colors; black, grey, some white. I was out of place with my blue, however I didn't care. I could take whatever would be thrown at me. Nothing would stop me from reuniting with whats mine. Well maybe one thing. I didn't know where I was. Don't get me wrong this is where I will find her but I don't know where I am nor where she is. I'd have to converse with the locals to find where to go. But where to first?

I scanned the area, there were shops aligned the street. Everything looked like one of those moving picture shows. All background characters. I started to look at the people more and realized some of their features were just not right. Their eyes were too big, or it was their mouths too wide. Some frowning, some smiling, some neutral. I looked inside a store window and low and behold there really wasn't anything there. The products were just cardboard cutouts. As I looked further back into the store the room looked more and more run down and empty. It was like a grey spell all around. Some of the "people" 's speech was also off. It looked like I was in 1930s NYC, it felt like I was in 1930s NYC, it sounded like I was in 1930s NYC, however wherever I was, was not 1930s NYC. I don't even think it was NYC, or New York, Or America, or earth in general. I don't even think I was in the right dimensional plane. Why would whatever I was at want to cater to my perception of 1930s NYC. What was it trying to do? Who was behind this? As I had this Revelation, the world begun to break down. Not litterally i don't think. But I could see the world as it truly was, and it was terrifying. Someone or something had more power than me. I was not the strongest. I am vulnerable. There were stakes again. I felt so alive in that moment. I can die for good. I can feel pain. I can feel joy. Knowing something this dangerous existed. It was exhilarating. You don't understand. I was a puppet for so long but as a puppet I couldn't die. When I knocked out the author and took over I feared that I would stay the same unkillable being as I always have been, but now I'm free! Now I can love again aswell! I'm a new woman.

Back to the world breaking down, the sky turned out to be fake. It was just an ugly orange seeling. Infact the walls were an ugly orange. It was like a rotting pumpkin color. The walls were that ugly pastel yellow you'd find in your grandma's bathroom. There was mold on them aswell. Everything looked rotting. The people still looked like how they normally looked but you could tell they were inhuman. Not my inhuman but just full on beasts in the somewhat shape of humans.

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