Sweet note

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Well as dadi maa heard it all the three were called to her room and the scolding session had started

"Well dadi maa Noor didn't eat the soup yet so nothing happened"

"So you want me to say something only if something happens well Saad I am really disappointed in you , if she is not stopped now then she will continue with such tricks"

"I agree with dadi maa"

"Noor seriously?" "Yes"

Well as the session ended Saad went behind Minahil as always putting Noor in a heartbreak
She thought
Why does he always do this just why . He always hurts me and I just forget it just so soon


After the whole day Noor saw Saad now as he entered the room

"Why are you here?"
Said Noor

"Where else am I supposed to be according to you"

"I don't know maybe with Minahil consoling her as she is the most delicate human being in the world"
She said sarcastically

"Please I am not in mood for your jealousy drama right now"

"Oh ofcourse everyone in this world except Minahil does drama No ?"

"What is your actual problem with her Noor?"

"Better ask her this Question . If you would remember she is the one who always does things to hurt me and she is able to just because you support her in her each and every drama"


"You are really this dumb or playing to be so that you can defend her" said Noor disappointment being clear on her face

"Well how about that she gets scolded just because of you"

"Oh do I tell her to do such stuff and then get scolded ?"

"I ..." "obviously you don't have any words because I am right and I know it , well it is useless talking to you aswell as all you are gonna do is defend her or atleast try to"
Said Noor with almost tears in her eyes

"Noor please we should talk later"

"I want to talk right now . If you like her this much then just marry her why did you even marry me ? Oh you had no choice right. You must regret soo much that you can not get rid of me"

"Let me make one thing clear . I Do Not Like Her . Well and yes I didn't have any other choice but what exactly made you think that I wanna get rid of you ?"

"Your actions did" "my actions?"
Saad asked surprised

"Whenever something happens Saad you always go behind her . You console her hold her hand and even when both mine and her hand got burnt you went to her even though I was more burnt you didn't even ask me how I was"
"I did ask you"

"Oh when ? When you had already spent the whole day with her , after helping her with almost everything?"

"I -" "I do not want to talk to you . Go to hell"

Noor didn't talk to Saad and went to sleep on bed and she cried herself to sleep and Saad knew she was crying but couldn't do anything because he knew Noor won't let him but he woke up until he didn't stop hearing whimpers and he was not confirmed thatNoor is asleep and next day she noticed something

Saad . He was not being that close to Minahil and not talking to her that much as he normally does . Why was he doing it ? Was it because of the fight last night? Maybe or maybe not . Saad knows better

Noor was just walking in the garden when Saad suddenly came and made Noor wear a jacket but she didn't understand what was it for and as she was still mad at him "what are you doing ?"

"Protecting you" "from ? The only person I need protection from is your dear cousin Minahil"

"Oh come on I didn't even talk to her today and I am protecting you from others seeing your period blood stain"
"What !?"

"Yes I think you have got your periods"
"What why didn't you tell me sooner ?" "When exactly did you let me speak ?" Said Saad bringing his face close to hers

"Still you should have told me" "well now I know why you were being soo emotional my dear wifey , btw tell me if you need anything, a hot water bag , chocolates , snacks , hugs , kisses or cudd-" Saad was counting these things on his fingers when got interepted
"Hey I was not done yet"
Noor ignored what he said

"Wait what ?! Why would ask you for kisses or hugs or cuddles"
Asked Noor looking at him surprised

"Because your my wife and I have read that such things make girls on periods mood better and ease the pain oh and I can even give you a massage on your abdomen and it is a premium facility only for my dear wife"

"You done ?" "Yupp" "okh great I am going"

"Yah but - "" I would tell you if I need something"

"Aww my wife knows me soo well you knew what I was gonna say next and you kno- hey I am also coming with you please wait" said Saad as he noticed that Noor was going inside without him

   Noor went inside room with Saad behind her and this time Saad carefully observed all of the things that she got out of the drawer
"What is that ?" Asked Saad pointing atone of the things in her hand " a pad" "oh okh"

"How much time will it take you inside the washroom ?"
"About 20-25 minutes . Why ?" "No just casually"

When Noor came out of washroom she saw the bed and was surprised to see that Saad had put a hot water bag on the bed with a note saying
{ well I will be back in about 30 min and you should relax with the hot water bag and no need to go downstairs as I have told mama jaan that you will not be coming downstairs and I have put your phone on the side table
                                                                                         ~ Your Saad ❤️}

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