Part 23

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     Noor felt overwhelmed after reading the note and was surprised as this was a new side of Saad . A side only for her maybe and no one else

Noor now went back and changed into pyjamas and came back and layed down comfortably. She now started to get lpcramps that were getting worse and she put the hot watee bag on her abdomen easing her pain . Soon Saad came inside the room and saw Noor on the sofa
"Why are you laying there ?"

"It is my turn here no ?" "Well you are on your periods so you should sleep on the bed completely"

"Where will you sleep on sofa ?" "I will sleep with my wife"

"Why ?" " what why ? You are gonna need cuddles and kisses and small pecks and- " "ok ok stop"

"You can sleep on the bed but no need for cuddles and more ok ?"

"Sorry but I can't promise" "and why not ?"

"Last time when I had a nightmare you hugged me the whole night as I was scared and now it is my turn to be with the light of my eyes" " huh ?"

"What ? Isn't that what your name means ?" "Well yah it is but how did you know ?"

"I asked dadi maa and she told me and I realised something" " that is ?"

"That your name suits you because it is basically like the apple or star of my eye so you are the shine of my eyes" upon hearing this all Noor could do was blush and Saad smiled looking at her cute condition

"Well I hope you didn't take your medicine" "I was just about to , why ?" Saad came and sat next to her putting a shopper down on floor that was totally unnoticed by Noor

"I read online that these kind of medicines have many side effects and they might damage your vagina making it hard for you to conceive in future so"

"Oh well Saad" "hmm" he said as he as he got closer to her

"Did you read all of that just for me ?" " for two people actually"

"The second person better not be Minahil" " haha don't worry it ain't" " then ? Mom ?"
"Nope the second person will call you Mom" hearing that Noor blushed harder than before and covered her face with her palms and Saad smiled at her reaction

He pulled her hands down and saw her whole pink vheeks and laughed "heyy don't laugh at me"

"Well totally not my fault that you are looking soo adorable"

"Saaad please stop" "make me sweetheart"
"Oh what is that in the shopper ? I didn't even notice it"

"Well you will get it but first two things  first of all you will try to take the pain killer as less as possible and second is that I want you to sleep on bed with me as it will be uncomfortable for you on sofa and not only for your periods but also on daily basis and if you want I can sleep on the sofa on my turn and share bed with you on your turn and if you want I can sleep on sofa all nights"

"No it's ok you can sleep on bed all nights" "ahh I see you are eager to sleep with me han ?" Said Saad smirking  "In your dre- ahh"

"Oh are you okay ?" Said Saad holding her hand being worried
"Yah just a bad cramp" "okay no more talks and now come on lay on the bed" he said as he made her lay comfy on the bed

He set her blanked and looked at the time and it was 7:45 pm
"I will be right back and yah here you go I have brought you snacks hmm" he said handing her the shopper
"Where are you going ?" "To tell mama jaan that now me and you will come back downstairs in the morning"

"Wait". " hmm ?" " she might get the wrong idea"

"Hmm well I have told her that you have gotten your periods and even if you didn't you are my wife and there is no problem in her getting the wrong idea" Said Saad as he came close gave a quick peck on Noor's forehead and going out in hurry to hide his pink cheeks but Noor already saw them and planned to make fun of him once he is back

Saad came back in 5 minutes with a plate in his hand with some fruits " here you go you have to finish all of these like a good girl"
"I wanna eat the snacks that you bought me naa please"
"You can eat them later na now eat these as these are better for you health"

"Saad why are you treating me like I am pregnant" " well you will be some day so better practice now as then I would have to be strict"

"Why strict?" " maybe because I want my wife and child to be safe I mean come on then both will be the most important in my life no ?"
Said Saad as he put the first piece of apple in her mouth which she ate but she liked the way the tasted so she finished them within 10 minutes making Saad smile at Noor's cuteness

Saad now went outside to put the plate and and he came back now turning the dim lights on . He came near and layed on the bed right beside her turning the lamp on

He came near her and opened the shopper for her getting the lays and stuff out now he put his one arm under her neck while she was resting her head on the headboard. . He gave a peck on her head and opened her pony letting her hair loose and she looked at her while taking a bite from her chocolate

"Can I have a bite ?" "Hmm"
Saad took a bite and started to play with her hairs and she sat their silently and there was silence between them but it was more comfortable than anything else

"Noor I can share anything with you right?" "Yah I mean I am your wife so basically your secret keeper"

"God it feels so could when I call you my wife and now hearing you calling yourself my wife is even better"
Saad now rest his head on Noor's shoulder taking his arm out and now intertwining his arm with her holding her hand in his as he spoke

"You know I have been getting those nightmares since I was a child , my real mother died when I was just about 2 and a half years old . She died in a car accident while saving me and you know even everyone says that ..." Saad didn't speak further Noor looking at him and he was sobbing

Noor put the snacks on the side table and held his face in her hands

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