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- s i y e o n ' s pov -
- june 4, 2022 -

she types silently on her keyboard, humming a soft melody of her favorite song. girl has not realized she's been typing that university application for nearly 4 hours.

yunjin, who's hanging out at her place, gets off of her bed and pouts, "unniee can we get food i'm hungry. :<"

"let me finish this first. you always say you're hungry, and i don't wanna spend money right now." she continues typing.

"YOU'VE BEEN WORKING ON THAT UNIVERSITY APPLICATION FOR 4 HOURS LIKE IT'S A DAMN 15-PARAGRAPH ESSAY OR SOMETHING. it's our summer break, why is it so boring." she rolls her eyes.

"it has not been 4 hours."

"checks phone"

"HOW IS IT ALREADY 6:23 PM?? i feel lied to."

"see?" yunjin sighs.

"as if that university is THAT special." she walks towards siyeon, with her waterbottle in hand. she takes a sip while she reads along the detailed, long, boring, well for her lines on that resume. her eyes widen once she sees the text "Hansae University".

"spits water uncontrollably"



"damn girl-" she continues drinking.

"uhm, okay, first of all, you're acting as if it's some royal university and second, you just spit your dirty ass water on me." siyeon looks at her with utter disgust.

"yES it is some royal university. they only receive students that act, look, and study like royalties."

"wow, really??" siyeon in sarcasm

"Y E S."

"if I can't convince you, suit yourself i guess." yunjin walks out of the room to chill on the couch.

- an hour later -

"andd.... send!" siyeon sighs with a smile, and closes her laptop.

she flops on her bed and opens her phone. she isn't the type of person who always initiates buying food or presents, however, what you ask is what you get.

she ordered from her and yunjin's favorite restaurant, a smile forms on the creases of her lips as she remembers yunjin through her favorite meal, malatang.

growing up, siyeon was like yunjin's older sister. they were child models, and are always enjoying each other's presence. whenever yunjin was feeling sad, mad, or frustrated, siyeon was always her happy space.

she was a person who always accepted her mental breakdowns and vents. through this, she kept a promise to herself to be the older sister she always wanted to have. and that was through yunjin.

a/n: okay back to the story sorry i got carried away-

she exits out of her room trying to hide her smile, and says to yunjin who's lying on the couch, "i ordered dinner for the both of uss, it's from ur favorite restaraunt </3."

yunjin looks up to her from her phone, "hm- gasp rlly?? thank you eonni!"
she stands up from the couch to give her a cozy hug.

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