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Serena is sat down at the Ravenclaw table glancing up at the ceiling every so often, no matter how many times she had seen it she could ever get over the stars.

She looks around the hall her eyes glancing over the first years and they shuffle through under McGonagall's orders.

She offers a smile to those who get caught in her eye line.

She was in that same position last year she knew how nervous it was to have everyone's eyes on you. She looks over to the Gryffindor table where Aurora and her friends are normally sat. She looks confused when she can't see her.

She didn't envy Aurora having everybody stare at you like you can save the world she didn't want that upon her worse enemy.

She sees a worried faced Hermione asking others around if they had seen either Ron or Aurora.

She glances back at the table wishing the sorting was over so that she could eat.

She looks back over to Headmaster Dumbledore as he stands up ready to give a speech.

"Today we welcome those who are-"

Dumbledore was interrupted as Filch came running in gleefully with a skip in his step. Serena grimaced she didn't want to even think about what had gotten him so happy.

Dumbledore came down the steps as he spoke in hush voices with Filch he sighed waving his hand. "The feast may begin."

Some people were consumed by the food in front of them that they ignored the odd interaction between Filch and Dumbledore and then McGonagall as Dumbledore spoke to her before him and Filch left.

Serena glanced to the Gryffindor table she had a feeling this was to do with Aurora Potter.


Serena was right when she woke up the next morning she heard two people gossiping about how the whomping willow got a rude awakening with Ron Weasleys Dad's flying car.

Serena pouted when she heard that she had always wanted to fly it just seemed to disagree with her a lot.

She makes her way to her first class she had skipped breakfast wanting to have a lay in.

She groaned as she looks down at her timetable realising she had potions and was late.

What a great start to the year.

She quickly runs towards the potions classroom almost falling off the stairs as they started moving.

She pushes open the door reluctantly, she was better off skipping at this point.

"Why are you late?" Snape drawled in an annoyed tone.

Serena eyes almost light up in suprise, it was Ravenclaw and Gryffindors normally it was Gryffindors and Slytherins.

"Why?" Snape snapped.

"I overslept." Serena grumbled.

"Well since your incompetence has cost us some of the lesson you will have detention with me and I suppose you must sit with someone almost as incompetent as you." Snape snapped.

Serena glanced at the floor, truly she didn't care she found school hard enough as it was being dyslexic she liked to read although she had to enchant her books to read aloud (something dumbledore had taught her first year).

"Ah yes." Snape tuts staring at Aurora who was sat by herself. "Sit next to Potter." He spat out Aurora's last name like it vermin.

Serena made her way over and introduced herself quietly as Snape began to teach.

Aurora offered her a smile which Serena thought was beautiful as she also introduced herself.

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