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˗ˏˋ𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐀 ˎˊ˗

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˗ˏˋ𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐀 ˎˊ˗

Serena was sat on the train ride back home. It had been a long year. Shortly after meeting Aurora Potter, they swiftly became friends.

This Hogwarts year was somehow more chaotic than last year, with a basilisk roaming the pipes, people turning up petrified.

Her and Aurora had come closer as friends throughout the year, and when Hermione was petrified, she had turned to her for comfort as she didn't want to burden Ron with it.

"Hey." Aurora says as she enters the cabin, her school uniform still on her white shirt tucked out of her knee-length skirt.

"Hey Rora." Serena says, turning away from the window with a smile. Unlike Aurora, who hadn't changed, she was dressed in a baby blue tee with a pair of shorts on.

Aurora sat next to her, laying her head on her shoulder.

"I am so tired."

"Me too. You know you can stay around mine during the summer, right?"

Aurora seemed to light up at her words, "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Serena says as she smiles at Hermione and Ron, who join them sitting opposite.

"Besides, my mum says that she really wants to meet you. That way, you don't have to deal with your horrible guardians. It's not like we don't have the room." Serena mentions offhandedly.

Ron blushed, looking to the side. The three in the room often forgot that Serena was from a rich bloodline. Her house was a noble one, and they held a vault in the deepest part of gringrotts.

"You'll still visit right, you as well, Serena." Ron asks, looking between Hermione and Aurora.

"I'm sure that'll be fine." Serena says with a small smile as Aurora slips her head into her lap as she strokes her head.

"What's your mum's name again? I forgot." Aurora says a bit sheepish.

"Stella." Serena shakes her in a mock disappointment. "You getting changed around mine?" Serena asksaroundlooking down at Auroras' tired eyes.

"Yes." She groaned, closing her eyes, "Now leave me alone. I need to sleep."

As Ron and Hermione were sat in a somewhat heated discussion Serena opened up her book reading the chapter for homework wanting to get some of it done in the first week so that she could spend the rest of summer relaxing.


"Mum!" Serena runs up and hugs her mum as Aurora awkwardly stands behind her.

"Hello Darling, is this your friend?" Her mum Stella asks, her grey eyes darting towards the skinny blonde girl who was shuffling on her feet behind her, holding a small suitcase.

"Mum, this is Aurora Potter." Stella eyes widen a fraction before she smiles at her

"It would be a pleasure to have you in my house." She looks down at a watch on her wrist and sighs.

"Unfortunately, we have to leave immediately. Do you both have everything."

"Yep." The two girls say in unison.

"Right then, let's get going."


"This is not a house it's a castle." Aurora openly gaped at the mansion in front of her white walls with gold around the edges with intricate designs adding to the value of the property.

"Mum, who are these people." Serena asks, looking at a man in a wheelchair and a boy standing next to him looking uncomfortable in his shoes.

"This is Grover, and this is Mr Brunner." Stella introduces pursing her lips.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Serena."


Grovers eyes seem to dart between the two before him, and Mr Brunner shares a nod.

"They are here to take you to camp."

"Camp for what?" Serena asks, furrowing her brows.

"For Half-bloods. You are each the daughter of a god or goddess."

Aurora and Serena share a glance before bursting into laughter.

"No, but seriously, what camp?"

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⏰ Last updated: 19 hours ago ⏰

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