Chapter 3: Jutsu Discovery: Search and Learn.

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"Naruto POV:"

Those bastard villagers, those insects blaming me for something which is out of my hands! I'll make them pay!

'Yes, make them pay. To do that, you need power. So take it from me, take more power, power to destroy everyone!'

What was that voice? Who is there? Ah, yes, power. I need power!

As Naruto began to desire for power, he unconsciously tapped into the Nine-Tails' chakra.

Yes, this is power! I need more!

Ah! My eyes! It's burning! What is happening?

Huh... it stopped! I can see again! No, now I can see more clearly than before! It's... it's like my vision has enhanced by several times than before.

And are those chains? And what are those? Wings?

Ahhhh, I see now. I must have inherited this from my mother.

Let's see how my Sharingan looks.

Beautiful! It looks beautiful. I love it!

It seems that at this moment I only have two tomoe. Well, no problem. I'll awaken the third one soon.

"Hehehe!! This is getting interesting!"

Wait! It's not me! It's not like me! This... this power, this power is making my emotions go haywire! I don't want it, not at least now!

Ha, it finally stopped. Good. Now my rage is under control. I don't need to think like that. It's not like me.

Well, they are wrong for treating me like this, but for that, I shouldn't think like this. Because if I were in their place, then I would have done the same, so it's not like they are wrong. But still, it's not like they are right either because from my perspective, they are wrong. So if I think from both sides, then no one is wrong in the first place. So I don't need to show any hostility towards anyone without any reason. But again, I don't need to show any kindness to anyone either. For me, whether they live or die doesn't matter because they hold no significance for me.

Yes, let them just be, and I will be what I want. There is no need to show any hostility towards anyone. It's not like they are assaulting me anyway; they are just ignoring me, avoiding me, and keeping their distance. But I have people like Tuchi and Aym, and friends like Shikamaru and Chozi, so I don't need to think about others.

But not that old man. He seems so suspicious. He never gives me any proper answers and often tries to persuade me to believe in thoughts as if trying to manipulate me or trying to put some other things inside of me. And now that he has hidden this much information from me, I can't trust him completely. I need to remain cautious around him.

Okay, now time to read the letter again. But before that, how should I take back my chains and wings? Let's try a few things; surely one will work, right?
Damn, that took longer than I expected. It took almost a full hour to learn how to retract and create and control my chains and wings, and one more hour to learn how to activate and deactivate my Sharingan. Well, now that's done, let's read the letter again.

'Son, I know that because of him being the jinchuriki of the Nine Tails, you must have suffered quite a lot, and I am truly sorry for that. Believe me, if there was another option for me, I would have chosen someone else to be the jinchuriki. But at that time, when the Nine Tails attacked the village, I was busy engaging in combat with that masked man, who I believe is Madara Uchiha, the legendary ninja. And I believe that in the future, he will return for the Nine Tails. At that time, I couldn't have anyone else to ensure the safety of the Nine Tails, so I chose you because what kind of father doesn't believe in his son? I believe that you can and will be able to control the power of the Nine Tails. But don't consider the Nine Tails to be just a tool of power, because even though they are beasts, they still have feelings. From my experience, I am telling you this. Keep in mind that everyone is right in their own eyes, so 'Don't judge people based solely on their appearance or your own preconceptions.' Because from their perspective, they are right, and from others' perspective, they are wrong.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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