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Samuel Malthus also known  as Samis a high school student studying in a coed school where he already has a girl friend Shirley Thymes. Whereas he has a best friend Kevin Hart they both are really great friends and always stay together and he too has a girl friend Gia Troys. Everything is going on fine while Sam has started to developed feelings for Kevin. Sam doesn't know what to do as his   feelings start to grow more, he tries to ignore them. But initially he fails he doesn't know what to do because both he and his bff have girl friends. So this is apparently the last year of college for them and he doesn't know what to do.. YET. 

It is one of the days of their last year  so they are sitting in their usual places Samuel is a bit late but the teacher hasn't arrived yet. So Samuel thought it would be a good idea to talk with his bff. After a while the teacher comes  and she starts the lesson.. at 9:00 pm the class incharge  teacher comes in for attendance she calls out for every ones names. When it  comes to Samuel he doesn't here and doesn't answer "Samuel"?, Samuel!? he notices that he is being called and replies " Present"! . " Is Samuel absent today? " . " Mam I'm present!! " . "Then say it loudly i couldn't hear you".The whole class starts laughing at the comment. "I'm sorry", " It's Fine Samuel".After the class ended there is recess and Kevin and Samuel are together. Kevin says "Hey Sam hows your basket ball training going" . Samuel goes to basketball coaching and is good in basketball, he is also very tall due to which kevin looks shorter than Samuel . 

" Yeah it's going on well ".Shirley sees him and winks at him Samuel slightly smiles at her. " So how your relationship with Gia going on Kevin? "." Well  kinda ok neither of our parents know yet so we are in a safe zone."The bell rings and recess ends. 

It's zoology class and the teacher is teaching about genetic evolution. He keeps on ranting and at the point he gives a pause . He looks at Kevin and Samuel and "says so according to hardys principle if I say that Kevin and Samuel are together and they move to a tribal group and get married to the tribal girls and have children the frequency of alleles increases" Everyone except for shirley and Gia were laughing for ten minutes straight. Somehow for Sam it didn't seem a bad idea for him to be with Kevin for a moment he shakes of his thoughts and tries to listen to the class. For some time he wondered what Kevin thought about his thoughts

To be continued.............. 

𝙄 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙, but he has a gf. So do I.Where stories live. Discover now