Chapter Three - Mo and Anky

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Zach's POV -
I can't believe we came to this stupid park to see aunt Claire aka the person who has no time for the nephews she hasn't seen in seven years. Or four. Or three. You know depending on our bedtimes.
On top of that Zara was paying no attention to us and Gray was running around like he was five.
The only thing close to good is Olivia. She seems cool I guess. Pretty too.
Olivia's POV -
After the little kid crap we were sitting in the seats listening to the announcer talk about the Mossosauras.
"Let's see if she's still hungry after already eating today" she says as she brings the great white shark on the crane over the water.
"Now she's a little shy so give her a big hand when she comes out."
I sat on the edge of my seat and out my arms up and closed my eyes.
"What are you do-" Zach was cut off by the huge water monster jump out, let out a huge rawr, clamp down on the shark, and fall back into the water letting all of the splash soak us.
I shouted and cheered along with Gray. Zach was smiling. No hiding it. "Let's get a closer look at her."
Our seats went into the lower part of the attraction and we saw the Mo grab the rest of the shark and shake side to side as it rips it apart and eats it.
We cheered again.
We were now on our way to the T-Rex. I've seen this thing a ton of times and got tired of seeing her eat the goat over and over again. I actually helped train the T-Rex. I named too. Terry. Lol. I had too, it just made too much sense to not name her Terry.
Me and Zach were standing watching as all the people, including Gray, watch a total death match.
"Do you work here?" Zach said catching me off guard.
"Oh, you can speak?" I asked smirking.
He chuckled. "Ha ha." He sarcastically announced.
"If you must know, I do. Me and my brother Owen work with the Velociraptors. I have been on this island for half of my life."
"So you're pretty young then?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm 17. What about you?" "Same. I'm surprised you're not watching that." "I've seen this show a million times. I get bored." I shrugged.
"I've been bored since we arrived on this island." He sighed.
"Look. I know you aren't having the most fun in the world but that boy aka you're little brother is trying to fun. Atleast act like you're not bored to death."
He just looked at the ground and back at his brother. I rolled my eyes. "Come on Gray. Let's go to the Gyropheres." I said excited. He nodded smiling. "Yeah! Let's go!" As we walked past Zach I gave him a glare and grabbed his arm and shoved him in front of me.
I was sitting on the train with Zach and Gray beside me. Gray was telling us about all the dinosaurs and Zach was flirting with the girls behind him.
"So have you been here before?" He asked. They giggled and shook their heads. Gray looked at him and then out the window in disappointment.
"Are mom and dad getting a divorce?" He asked out of the blue obviously sad.
"What? No, why would ask that?" Zach asked.
"Because we're getting mail from two different lawyers." He was crying now. Awe!
"How would know their divorce lawyers? They could be-" Zach was cut off "I googled them. Their divorce lawyers." Gray said. He let out a sob.
"Are you crying?" Zach asked. "Well stop. You need to grow up. It's fine, I'll be out in two years and all my friends parents are divorced. On the bright side you get two of everything. Two thanksgivings, two Christmas's, two birthdays." Is he seriously saying this right now?
"I don't want two of everything."
I basically pulled Zach out of his seat and gave him a glare. He rolled his eyes and sat in my seat and I sat next to Gray. I put my arm around his shoulder.
"You know what Gray. I bet what kept them together for so long was you. They knew they had to put their problems aside and be strong and be there for you. Now you have to do the same for them." He wiped his years and sniffled. "Ok?" I asked. He nodded and smiled a little. I messed up his hair and he laughed. "There you go. There's that laugh."
Zach's POV -
In a way I despise her for pulling me out of my seat and totally embarrassing me but I admire her for helping Gray. I'll admit it's better to see him with a smile than a frown. I smiled watching her make him laugh. She keeps making the day better.
Olivia's POV -
We were standing line when I once again saw Zach flirting with a couple of girls.
I rolled my eyes and listened to Gray.
"Zach, are you listening?" Gray asked nudging him. Zach pushed him off "shut up." He said. I hit his shoulder and we glared at each other. "What do you think is gonna happen if you just keep starring at them?" Gray asked. The girls giggled and got in next. I laughed with gray as Zach sighed "thanks." "You're welcome."
We all got on the Gyrosphere and buckled up. It was Zach on the right, me in the middle, and Gray on the left. Once I buckled up I reached for the driving stick when Zach and I's hand touched.
I was stunned at how much affect it had on me. I looked at him and saw he had a shocked expression as well.
"S-sorry." I stuttered and took my hand and put it back in my lap. "You can drive. I awkwardly cleared my throat.
"Y-yeah." He stuttered and drove on. I smiled still blushing.
Gray nudged me smiling as well. I rolled my eyes and messed up his hair again.
Zach got a call from Claire but it kept on breaking up so he hung up and shrugged.
As we went on listening to Jimmy Fallon the alert came on. "There has been some technical difficulties. Please report back to the Gyrosphere head quarters." It said flashing.
Gray sighed disappointed. I became sad at his sad face and Zach said "hey, we have VIP passes dude. It'll be fine." He continued on.
"We should really go back. We don't just randomly have drills Zach." I gave him a serious look.
"Yeah, maybe we should." Gray agreed.
"Cmon! It'll be fun!" I sighed. Then my walkie talkie started becoming staticky, like someone was trying to talk. I grabbed it and pressed the talk button. "Hello?" I asked.
"Olivia" I heard Owen. "Owen? Owen are you there?" I asked. Nothing but static. what the hell? I put it away as we carried on to find a broken gate entrance.
"What happened here?" Zach asked out loud. I shook my head and stared at it wondering what the hell was going on.
"Off road." he shrugged.
"We need to go back" we were still going 'off road'. "Zach, now!" I shouted. Something was obviously wrong if Owen and Claire was trying to contact us, the alert system came on, and the gate was broken by sow thing big. I can tell you a car can't break that and neither can the animals we have set up in the area.
"Ok ok look see! Four Dino-soures-es?" He said unsure. He should be.
"Ankylosaurus. There's five." Gray said.
"Aren't you supposed to be a genus? That's four." Zach argued.
I realized what it was and gasped wide eyed. "That's five." I breathed.
Zach sighs "Guys it's four!"
"No see! One," dinosaur
"two," dinosaur
"three," dinosaur
"four" dinosaur
"...five." Reflection......
We all turned around and saw a huge mouth full of teeth and white skin.
"GO GO GO!" Gray and I yelled. Zach used full speed only for us to get hit and we started rolling around. I held onto Zach and Gray's arms and screaming.

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