My Take on Mean Girls (The movie and the musical)

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Hot take (but shouldn't be that hot) on Mean Girls (the movie, the musical, and the general storyline

Janet and Damien were terrible friends who pressured Cady into "spying" on the Plastics and then got mad when she couldn't juggle both sides. All that they did was treat her like a form of revenge instead of a friend. I can only think of one or two scenes in both versions where they actually treated her like a friend rather than a way to get to Regina George. The story is supposed to be about friendship and how Cady let herself turn "bad", but she never really did turn bad. I'm not saying that the Plastics were any better (because they aren't and they are actually really mean), but the storyline regarding Cady, Janet, and Damien really bothered me. Janet was also really mean in the musical. She was high and mighty, and she guilt tripped Cady by telling her what Regina did to her in the past when Cady expressed sympathy for Regina because Cady was being played by both sides. Cady was totally a victim.

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