The Symbol of Truth

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Naomasa Tsukachi sighed as the tenth criminal in a row just confessed when he walked in. He hated the lie that the commission created. Sure he expected them to hide his quirkless status but he never expected them to make him a figure head. He hated being the figurehead for the police force with the 'lie detector quirk'. Sure he always wanted to be a successful cop, but he never wanted to have to fake a quirk status just so the public won't tear him down.

"Hey Naomasa, how are you doing?" All Might asked Tsukachi as he walked into their apartment.

"I am just still upset about how people keep spilling everything"

"Right, the commission's lie about your status"

"I still don't get why the commission had to make up that stupid lie"

"It's because the commission doesn't like the fact that you are one of the main detectives that stopped All for One"


All Might gulped

"Are you implying that you pulling me onto that case is the main reason I was forced into this position"

"No, I wasn't. I was just saying that you are already so skilled at your work that you scared the commission"

"Scared the commission?"

"Look Naomasa, I know that you aren't blind to the commission. You can't run away from the truth forever."

"I... I know Toshi. I just like to think that the government is actually helping"

"I wouldn't say they aren't helping... they're just helping the wrong people"

"Yeah they are obviously just helping themselves"

"Naomasa do you think I should have tried to be a quirkless hero"

"I... I honestly don't know. Sure it would help with the discrimination, but I don't know if anyone else would have been able to pull off what you have."

"Naomasa have you ever thought of just telling the truth?"

"I don't know"

"Do you want to do it?"

"I guess. It's just the main reason I became a detective was to help people. Maybe I can just bear this cross. After all, criminals always confess when I enter a room."

"This isn't always about what is best, Naomasa. It is about what you feel is right"

"I guess maybe"

"Then how about you finally confess"

Tsukachi didn't know how to feel as he stepped up to the podium. Was he supposed to feel scared? All he knew was that the whole world was watching as the head of the police stepped up to the podium.

"I have an announcement to make to the people of Japan. Most people know me as the lie detector detective. I am here to announce that the myth I have that quirk is false. I am actually quirkless. Don't try to hate on me just because I don't have the 'perfect quirk'. In multiple cases I have done better than these people with the 'golden child' quirk. I have decided to step up to show that genetics doesn't decide a person. I have dealt with multiple cases in which people with less than desirable quirks have had a hard time getting their reports into the police. We do not need to be treated this way just because we are different. Like the American Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr said, 'I have a dream, four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Unlike back then when we were judged by color, we now judge by the quirks we are given. Is it really fair for people who have a quirk that just makes them look different to be refused to work. Are we going to repeat the events that tore people apart? I am here showing that even a quirkless person can last in this world" Tsukachi stepped down from the podium to pay the staff that let him use it.

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