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Sango // BB Don't Cry (It's Gon' Be Alright)



It was a bleak day as usual. No sun, No blue sky, only rain and a dark sky.

Pixie pulled her hood over her head and pushed the doors of the mall open. It's been a week since she came out of the hospital and the news still hadn't died down. Everyone knew who Pixie was and how weak she was.

Pixie hates it. She hates everything lately. Her parents, the world, her friends, but mostly, herself.

Her parents refused to let her out of the house by herself, but Pixie needed some alone time. She hoped that after she burned all the memories, everything would be okay, but there's still this heavy weight on her shoulders, pushing her into the ground every day.

Pixie immediately felt eyes on her and she knew that she wasn't imagining those. Her black sunglasses and baggy clothes didn't help her disguise at all.

People looked at her with disgust, pity and some just looked out of curiosity, but Pixie can't stand all the attention.

So many magazines, talk shows and reporters have been calling her for information or an interview. She ignored them all and stayed under the radar for a short week.

Pixie pressed her earphones further into her ears to block out the whispers and the world. Pixie came here to have some time for herself hoping it all died down, but it's a small town, barely anything happens here and when it does, it blows up.

Pixie walked to the Subway to get a sandwich to go and also one of their amazing cookies.

"Hello can I take your orde- OH MY GOD." Pixie looked up from the glass where all the ingredients to a sub laid behind. Cheryl.

It was Cheryl. The girl Pixie met weeks ago, she'd never forget a girl like her. Her curly hair, big black glasses and short frame are practically hard to forget. Her liveliness made Pixie happy and Pixie doesn't forget someone who makes her smile.

"Pixie! I never thought I'd ever see your gorgeous face again!" Cheryl exclaimed with her hands on her cheeks.

"Cheryl," Pixie said trying to smile, but it hurt. Not only mentally, but also psychically. Pixie's whole body still ached. Her ribs were still killing her and her arm is still in a cast and she was still covered in bruises and healing scars.

"I heard about it all, I- Let's talk about this in ten minutes. Then I end my shift." Cheryl said and Pixie nodded looking around deciding whether to order a beef or teriyaki. She decided with a beef sub, m&m cookie and a bottle of water.

Pixie sat down and watched Cheryl do her job with a genuine smile on her face. Pixie wish she could be as happy as her, genuinely happy. Pixie hasn't smiled in weeks and she feels like she can't even do it anymore.

When Pixie slowly finished her sandwich, Cheryl was off duty. Cheryl was back in her casual clothes and still had that big smile on her face.

"Are you ready to go? We can go to the park ten minutes away. We'll have some privacy." Cheryl offered with that big smile of hers. It's really contagious.

Pixie nodded and grabbed her trash to throw it away. After that she followed Cheryl out of the Subway and into the mall again.

"So, how are you?" Cheryl asks, as they were walking towards the exit of the mall. "Bad." Is all Pixie could say. "You?"

"Same here. I had to get another part time job to support my parents to pay for my college and my condo, my boyfriend broke up with me and I also have trouble finding a new roomate." Cheryl shrugs.

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