Chapter 1

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Hey y'all, here's the first chapter:

"Gen! Catch!" Percy called as he threw an apple toward her. The wind or maybe some other force veered the apple of course, but Genesis extended her arm and caught the apple. "I got it!" She yelled, shoving it in her lunch bag. "Come on, we're gonna be late!" The siblings ran out the door, after a quick goodbye to their mother and a nonexistent one to their stepfather, Gabe. Walking to their school, all Gen could talk about was how excited she was for their field trip to the Museum of History, which was in 3 months (Why She was talking about it right now, Perce had no idea). "Maybe we'll see some statues of deities from Greek and Roman mythology!" "What is it with you and those books? I mean the movie Hercules was fine, until you ruined it by saying how inaccurate it was, but those books? Like how?" Gen laughed at how different she and her brother were. They both had slightly tanned skin, mid athleticism, and a shared "strong dislike" for Gabe, but the similarities ended there. Perce had black hair and green eyes, while Gen had ordinary brown hair and not as ordinary but still plain amber eyes (hazel in the light). Percy laughed with her as they came up to the school.

-3 months later-

"Hey Loser! Catch!" Nancy Bobfit called as she threw a peanut butter and jelly sandwich towards Grover's head. Genesis clenched her fists as she and Percy started to stand up, not caring that the bus was moving. "It's okay guys, I like PB&J," Grover said calmly (And not Dumbledore calmly) "Plus, you two are so close to getting suspended." Gen didn't care about suspension, but she did care about Grover so she decided to honor his wishes, as did Percy. But she had a limit. During lunch, Nancy came up to Grover and dumped her half unfinished lunch on his lap. The siblings stood up at the same time. Suddenly, the fountain behind Nancy bubbled. The water rose up, grabbed her, and pulled her into the fountain. "The Jacksons pushed me!" She cried. Bro trying to sound like Lila from Miraculous, Gen thought. "Perseus, Genesis, come with me," Mrs. Dodds, the Math teacher said. Time for trouble.

"Where is it?" Mrs. Dodds shrieked again. "We might be able to tell you, if you tell us WHAT IT IS!" Gen repeated. The next few moments were a blur. Mr. Brunner wheeled in and threw Percy a pen. "This is a pen!" Perce yelled as he and Genesis ducked behind a pillar. Gen observed her surroundings. She saw a sword and shield in a glass case, which was locked by a digital lock. Didn't look too hard, even though she had never picked a traditional lock before, let alone a digital one. "Oh look Gen!" Percy said, opening the pen. It turned into a magnificent sword. "Hey, how come you always get the cool things? Anyways, here's the plan, you charge, I get backup. Got it?" Percy nodded, confused as to where, when and how she would bring backup. "Then GO!" Gen said, pushing him. While her brother was distracting Mrs. Dodds, Gen sneaked over and started working on the lock, which she was able to somehow unlock in less than 2 minutes. She took out the sword and shield, which felt perfect. Then she charged.


"You two are expelled."

--Even Later--.

"Mom?" Percy called as he and Genesis entered the apartment. They walked into the living room, saw their stepfather, and got out faster than the speed of light before he could notice them. Then they walked into the kitchen, where Sally was making cookies- blue cookies. It was a tradition for their mom to make blue cookies at the end of each school year and start of each summer. Actually, it was a tradition to make any food blue. It started when Percy would only eat food if it was blue, and when Gabe was telling him that blue food didn't exist and to shut up. Ever since that day, Sally made sure to make everything that was food blue, driving Gabe crazy- "This is as good as every other cookie you make!" "Nah really? I thought she just used the SAME RECIPE." Gen replied to her brother's brainless comment.

"They get kicked out EVERY YEAR! At this point, you should just send him away!" "He's my son-" "That girl isn't! You're not related to her AT ALL. Send her away!" Gen leaned against the wall of her and Percy's room. She had always known that she was adopted, Gabe made sure of that. But other than her stepfather, everyone had treated her like she was actually part of the family. She was glad of that, but it was hard not to forget that she was adopted when you could tell the obvious differences between her and Percy. Gen had brown hair and brown eyes, Perce had messy black hair and sea-green eyes. Honestly, she thought he looked like a tanner, hotter, version of Harry Potter, with no glasses. She sighed and went to pack the rest of her belongings.

So, what do you think? I think it's kinda obvious who Gen's parents are, but that might just be cause I'm the author, so you can guess if you want. Rn I'm drawing out each of the characters, like the ones that don't have character designs from the previous chapter.

Um, I don't really have anything to say, so bye! Have a great day!

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