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This is my first story on this app and of buddie in general.Creds to Rayuk666 for giving me the confidence and ideas to write this.

This story starts off just before season 2 and in this buck has already come out as bi

Buck slowly strolls into the 118 knowing today is not just any day today is the day they get their new recruit.Knowing they get a new recruit buck searches for Bobby seeing if he can pry any information about the new probie.Buck slightly jogs up the stairs to the loft when he sees Bobby.

"Hey Bobby"Buck spoke with a cheerful tone adding
Slightly to Bobby's suspicions.

"Hey Buck what's up you seem extra happy today"Bobby replied while making the breakfast.

"I was wondering if I could get any details about this new probie of ours"Buck says leaning into the counter eager to know.

"Alls I can say to you Buck is that I'm pretty sure you'll love him"Bobby pauses and speaks again"literally"Bobby says while chuckling a little.

"What do you mean literally"Buck pauses"like we will become best friends cause I've always wanted to have a really good friend here"Buck now even more eager to find out what this new probie of theirs looks like.

Bobby looks up at Buck catching the need for knowledge in his eyes"That hurts you know I though I was your best friend"Bobby replies acting hurt.

Buck is quickly to reply"No no no that's not what I meant"Buck takes a breath"I mean I want another friend as it's gotten a bit boring around here as there is nothing really that new"Buck chuckles at Bobby playing hurt and stands up straight and takes a sniff of the cooking "That smells delicious Bobby when will it be ready".

"In a minute Buck but first I think you might want to check the balcony"Bobby points to the railing and when he looks back at Buck he has a smile on his face.

Buck looks confused but decides to go over anyway.As Buck leans on the railing looking over the station he sees a unrecognisable figure and turns to Bobby with a gleam in his eyes"is that who I think it is".

Bobby nods and watches Buck practically fly down the stairs.

Buck manages to find the figure standing next to Hen having a some what nice conversation.Buck eager to approach starts walking without even realising it.Before buck manages to even lock eyes with the new probie he immediately turns back and heads upstairs his blush clearly visible to all.

Bobby noticing Buck appear he speaks up "So what do you think of the new probie".

Buck too flustered to answer just nods his head in approval.Bobby chuckles seeing the blush in his cheeks"Hey look Buck you might want to turn around".

Buck just turns around without saying anything to see a tall muscular figure standing before him."Hey there it's nice to meet you I'm Eddie Diaz"He offers out a hand to shake.

Buck pauses and then immediately hides himself using his hands and t-shirt.Bobby noticing this speaks up"This here is Evan Buckley but everyone just calls him Buck"

Buck before letting Eddie say anything appears from his t-shirt and shakes Eddie's hand"n-n-nice to m-m-meet you Eddie"Buck says his own words just barley getting out his mouth

Eddie turns around with a smile and heads back over to hen who is now sitting on the sofas.Buck turns around to Bobby"Is this what you meant by literally"He says this with a whisper."Yes Buck that is what I meant"Bobby slightly chuckling at Buck's state.

After a few short minutes breakfast is ready and the table is set"Hey guys breakfast is ready".Hen,Chimney and Eddie all turn to see breakfast out on the table and they all take a seat around it.Buck is already sat down when a chair screeches next to him.He looks up to find Eddie starting to sit down and immediately darts is view to hen who is sat across from him.

Buck's mind is racing with thousands of thoughts.Why is he so hot?What is this feeling I'm feeling?Why is he sitting next to me?Buck can't stop seeming to detach him self from reality until Hen start speaking.

"Buck Buck BUCK!"Buck jolts out of his trance to see Hen shouting at him "What and why are you shouting"Buck replies with a bit of confusion and weary in his voice.

"You zoned out for a minute and you were staring at me what's the matter"Hen lowers her voice and her tone to an almost sympathetic sound.

"Nothing is wrong just a bit tired and thirsty"As he said that he got up and walked over to the fridge to go grab a glass of water.Hen not buying into his lies also gets up and walks over to him.

"Buck tell me really what's wrong"She says with actual worry in her voice.

"Like is said there is nothing wrong now please leave"After that Hen doesn't try to push any further and goes to sit back down.When Buck returns after a few minutes of just standing there he sits away from Eddie and closer to Chimney at the end of the table.Everyone looks confused except Bobby who just looks at Hen with a knowing smile.As Hen and Bobby lock eyes she starts putting the pieces together and then chuckles slightly.

Buck partly angry with Hen nearly lashes out at here "What's so funny"He gives Hen a longing stare which is filled with anger but also confusion.

"Nothing Buck"Hen tries hard to stop laughing but just gives up and sits there laughing for a good few minutes.

Buck puts his head down and just starts eating trying so hard to ignore Hen's laughing and Eddie's looks.

A few minutes go by and Hen has finally stopped laughing and just looks at Buck.Before Buck could ask her why the siren goes off and they are all running down the stairs and getting into their outfits then into the trucks.


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