Hurry Up And Save Me (SasuSaku)

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(Sakura POV)


As the sharp sound rings through my ears, I feel a numbness forming in my cheek. Tears stream down my face as my tormentor smirks at me, his devious smile filled with malice.

"What is wrong with you?!" I hiss, stumbling backwards, grinding my teeth together in pain as the cold rough concrete wall comes in contact with the wounded flesh of my body.

This cycle has been repeated since that new kid, Sasuke, got here. Ever so often would he toss a glance at me, which I would return with a cheerful smile. I had always had a warm exterior, making friends wherever I went.

Sasuke was no different.

But my longtime boyfriend Naruto thought otherwise. At first it was glares being sent to the black haired boy, but as time passed, my once sweet and loving Naruto was no more. He began to start picking fights with the new boy. But as luck would have it, Naruto was a pretty crappy fighter, and surprisingly, Sasuke was actually a fairly decent warrior, or as he clarified, a ninja.

But that wasn't the only person Naruto began to fight.

I was no fighter, so I had no defense.

For a while, he would just call me names, insult me and accuse me of cheating on him for the raven haired fighter.

But then he began to hurt me. He would slap me, insult me, punch or kick me; anything to get the message that I was not to be anyone else's but his.

The more he abused me, the more my hatred for the blonde man I called my boyfriend grew.

Little did I know I was falling for Sasuke.

I'm shaken from my unknown reverie with a sharp blow to the stomach. Bile began to rise in my throat and it takes all my will not to throw up. I spit blood out of my mouth and some trickles down my chin. I fall to the ground, beaten mercilessly, and glare up at Naruto. He smirks once more and stalks away, chuckling about doing something naughty to Hinata.

Poor girl.

Once Naruto is out of earshot and out of my sight, I try to stagger to my feet, leaning against the rough school wall, I slide back down again, my energy drained. For about twenty minutes, I just sit and cry, angry at Naruto and at myself.

Until the soft taps of shoes on pavement echo through the dead end alley.

"Who's there?!" I cry out, pulling myself to my feet with a renewed sense of purpose.

No way am I going to be beaten by someone twice a day.

"Sakura?" A soft yet gruff voice filters through my ears, and in a minute on crumbled on my knees, sobbing.

Sasuke can't see me like this.

Not now.

I feel arms wrap around me, and in a moment I curl into his warm, muscled body.

Sobs wrack my body, and I feel pathetic, crying like a baby to a boy I barely even know.

"What happened Sakura?" I almost melt at his touch, and feel a blush rising to my cheeks at how jelly kneed I feel when he says my name.

"Naruto......" I trail, my eyes glazing over as the abusive memories return.

I shiver in fear and cold. The concrete is none to warm in the middle of a dark alley. The warm rays of the summer sun never touches them, leaving them with a frigid coldness.

"Naruto did this to you?" His voice is a rough growl. Fear courses through my veins, I hate when someone uses that voice.

Naruto does it all the time.

"Sakura?" I snap back to the sound of his concerned voice. I didn't hear him at all.


"Naruto. He did this to you?" As if by magic, my wounds sting and ache, as if proving him correct. Wincing, I nod.

"Can you walk?" Well as seeing my ankle throbs with every small brush of air, I chalk up that either it's broken or fractured.

Either way, there's no way I'll be able to walk.

"I think he broke my ankle." I whisper. Sighing, he gingerly picks me up, a light blush staining his pale features.

"You need rest. Where's your dorm?" I frown, realizing that my dorm happens to be shared with Naruto. I made the decision to share it with him, thinking we would stay together forever.

What a bunch of bull that was.

"I share a dorm with Naruto." I whisper. As soon as the name of the abusive man is heard, a fierce scowl is set on Sasuke's handsome features.

"Well them you'll have to bunk with me. My roommate left the minute I walked in." A small smirk graces his features at the slight memory, and I feel like I'm floating on cloud nine.

How is it that a single smirk causes me to feel like I'm made of pure, un-dilated happiness?

A small smile forms on my delicate features, but is instantly replaced with a wince of immense pain courses through my body at the slight movement.

"Don't move Sa-ku-ra." At the way he says my name, a wave of heat rushes through me. Deciding to feign sleep, I curled my head to his warm chest, comfort washing over me.

"I'm going to kill Naruto for this." He hissed. A tear streamed down my face at how protective he was.

"Sasuke......" I whispered.

I can't believe how I ever loved Naruto.

He was only using me as a trophy.

I hate him.


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