Chapter 16: Lost

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                   "AHAHAHAHAH! UNO!" I yelled out as I was down to my last card. I saw Brownie beep madly as Plunger Cameraman look down. Dave just looked and gave a small thumbs up.

Suddenly, a beep was to be heard from Plunger Cameraman's tablet as he pulled it out and showed it to us. Brownie was picking up the UNO cards as Dave helped.

"Huh..? Lift is arriving in 5...? Oh, then let's go- Wait Brownie are you coming with us or do you still have to stay here to get some stuff?" Brownie nodded as he pointed behind him, already finishing picking up the UNO cards as he handed them to me.

"Oh alright then... Well see ya then back at base! And thanks for the cards!" I said as I hugged him, before Brownie left walking with some materials. Niki cooed as Brownie looked back, but then continued on.

"Well Dave, it was nice meeting you. Maybe we'll see each other again some time if I ever visit 'kay?" Dave nods as he waved a small goodbye to us, I doing the same as he nodded and went back to continuing his 'mysterious' book.

Plunger Cameraman would then snap his fingers, gaining my attention as he pointed to the way out.

"Oh yeah, don't worry I'm coming." I said as I caught up to him...

—Five minutes Later...—

As we went outside, I saw the same armed men with tablets as heads as I knew who was here. There was also some Speakermen too, putting some armory inside a helicopter.

"Ah, salutations again Miss Y/N and Mr. C_1023!" A familiar voice said as Mr. Dice appeared, he was in an aircraft, probably the more futuristic type as he hopped out.

"Oh, hello Mr. Dice!" I waved to him as we approached.

"Are you two ready to go back to your base?" He asked as Plunger Cameraman gave a thumbs up.

"Yeah, we are."

"Splendid, let us go then!" Mr. Dice said as he led us to the aircraft, the armed Tabletmen following behind and some of the Speakermen hopping on as we were heading back to the Cameraman base...

However... This wasn't the end of this day yet... For we would be met with a rocket heading towards us... And a new person...

Seven Hours Later...—

"Poor innocent dove, she must be getting better now because of her mother is that correct?" Mr. Dice said as he put a bandage on Niki, replacing the tissue she had on. Niki cooed softly as she sat on my palm.

"Yeah, thankfully she is... Once we get back then I'll give her the better needs, I have some vitamins and nutrients that can help heal her quickly-"

"ꌗꀤꋪ, ꅏꍟ ꍏꋪꍟ ꃅꍏꃴꀤꈤꁅ ꌗꂦꂵꍟ ꍟꈤꍟꂵꀤꍟꌗ ꍏꉣꉣꋪꂦꍏꉓꃅꀤꈤꁅ. ꉣ꒒ꍟꍏꌗꍟ ꓄ꍏꀘꍟ ꍏꉓ꓄ꀤꂦꈤ." One of the Tabletmen said as I could barely understand what he was saying. But I knew it was something approaching the aircraft as Mr. Dice nodded at him.

"Oh, yes very well then. Miss Y/N, Mr. C_1023, and of course Niki, please be aware that we are going to be in a messy situation. So I suggest you grab a parachute or jet- Or on second thought... I don't think you know how to use a jetpack now do you Miss Y/N?" Plunger Cameraman would put on a jetpack as he put a thumbs up.

"H-Huh..? no... And I honestly don't wanna jump-" Plunger Cameraman picked me up in his arms as I knew we were about to jump. The other half grabbing jet packs or parachutes in case of an ambush as Mr. Dice simply stood there.

"ꉣꋪꍟꉣꍏꋪꍟ ꎇꂦꋪ ꀤꂵꉣꍏꉓ꓄!" A Tabletmen yelled as suddenly the aircraft was beeping and shaking.

"DOP YES YES!" Suddenly, the hatch of the aircraft open as some of us flew out, and I noticed that Mr. Dice just disappeared out of thin air... As if he evaporated!

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