Comfortable night

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As Noor held his face he broke into tears and hugged her hard and continued to speak "everyone says that it is not my fault I was just 2 at that time but I think she died because of me and even tho I don't remember her much still I miss her you know after her death Dada married Mama jaan who loved me alot I feel ... I feel like I am her real son she loves me alot and I love her but I miss my mom I never told mama jaan or ever cried infront of them for this"
Noor hugged him harder and himself out of the hug and held her hand

"You know you are the first one with whom I have shared my feeling and cried without fear please Noor never leave me , if I ever make a mistake then fight with me call me names but never leave me or ignore me because with you I feel comfortable and trust me the night before yesterday that was the night I had the best sleep of my life Noor"
Noor now was in tears herself as she couldn't bare this condition of Saad so she cupped his face and said

"I would never leave you Saad hmm ? I will be there for you and trust me it was not your fault that your mom died . Everyone has to go one day sooner or later because everyone's time is fixed and if it wasn't for you that day she would have still died because of another cause ok ? You are such a good son to Mom and dad and a great elder brother and not gonna lie but your kinda hot aswell"
Noor winked

Her last sentence made Saad laugh as that was totally unexpected for him

"Thankyou" said Saad as he gave Noor a hug
"Can you do me a favour?" " yah"

"Please again give me a long peck on my forehead Noor , that night it really calmed me down" Noor giggled and gave him him a long peck on his forehead and she wiped his tears and then gave Saad a peck on both his eyes which were swollen and Saad also closed his eyes enjoying the moment

"Shall we watch something and cuddle?" "As long as I remember someone said that they do not want any hugs or kisses or cuddles no Noor ?"

"I only aksed for cuddles but okay if you don't want to" " no no I was just kidding my wife who else would I give cuddles to except you hmm ?" Said Saad panicking on which Noor just laughed and gave him a quick peck oh his cheek and turned around laying down

"Wait what about my other cheek hmm ?" Said Saad hovering over her on which she just hid her face and Saad back hugged her putting his one hand on her belly and putting the hot water bag on her abdomen to which she felt shivers

"So what do you want to watch?" "Anything" "alright" and then Sad put on a random show and they watch it while getting more and more cozy and Saad kept on giving her pecks oh her head and shoulder making Noor giggle every time

It was about 9:30 pm that Saad noticed that Noor was not moving at all so he just checked if she was awake and he saw that she was sleeping and looking so cute and kissable

Saad kissed her cheek and got back into his position turning off the tv into the blanket as he just cuddled her more and more

1:40 am

Saad woke up and saw that Noor was not next to him and he saw that she was checking the bedsheet
"What are you doing ?"
"Oh sorry ip I didn't mean to wake you up"

"No no it's ok tell me what happened?" " actually I stained my pj's and I'm just looking if there is a stain on the bedsheets and please can you check your trousers aswell I mean we were cuddling so"

Saad checked hi trousers and there was a mark not big one but prominant " oh you chnage Saad I will wash it hmm take it off I give you another one"

"What no need I will clean it myself hmm and you give me yours aswell , you are on your periods and in pain just give me and change" said Saad still sleepy and Noor didn't want to disturb hi it was also Saad who wouldn't let Noor do any work

After some time Saad came out and he had washed the pj's and trousers and he changed into his shorts and Noor was also wearing Saad's other pair of shorts as her other set of pj's was in the laundry

"Well common now lets sleep my baby" said Saad and he layed in bed with her and Noor layed in the position that her one leg was on top of his legs and her hand also on his chest while her head on his shoulder while his one hand was on her wait and other in her hairs

It was like finally after such fights and more they were finally accepting their relationship

            Morning 8 am

The whole day was good as now both of them were getting along and everyone in the house was surprised as everything between them changed suddenly. But there was someone who was burning inside, burning in the fire of jealousy

Minahil wanted to ruin it as she wants Saad's whole attention to herself only but Noor was coming in her way


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Note: well I wanted to know all the readers opinions if I should continue this series for a bit or finish it in a few episodes and also as it is about child marriage so it is on you all if you want to read adult parts as many people might not be comfortable as it is child marriage and they are 14 so
It is up to you all please comment your opinions I shall be thankful

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