Fresh Meat

14 0 0

August 11: 2013

"Witty Get up for school"

"Im Already Up Susan"

"Hurry and come for Breakfast Before your bus comes"

As i go downstairs i am greeted by a grotesque Smell.

" Jesus, what's that smell!"

"Witt! Quite, your father is.. sleeping"

"Dont ever call him my Father"


"Im sorry... but seriously mom what's  smell"

"He came home drunk...and knocked Over the garbage can... the cats got into it"

" And NOBODY Decided to pick it up? "

As i storm outside i notice a beer bottle in the grass

" Already and hes making a reputation"

As i walk inside and sit for Breakfast, he comes in.

"Goodmorning hun"


I glance over to this being with utter Disgust In my Eyes.

"Hey why so salty kid?"

He reaches over too my plate to grab a pancake.
I slam his hand too the side.


"What's your issue!"

I stare at him, without a slate of emotion on my face.

"Im not your son, your not my dad and dont Ever touch my food"

He glances over too my mother.

"Witt we were hoping If Youd Want..We Could help you Decide On A School activity you would like too do?"

"What? your forcing Me into Things?"

"No Witt we just think..."

*Beep Beep*

*Exhales* "oh.. Witt your Bus is here, have a great day at school"


As i walk out the house i can feel the four Death Stares Behind my Head,
Ever since he Came into our lives the Ball game has changed, but i will never respect him.

I walk up too the bus door...all the rush of things they would call me Kicked in real quick and i Can Already Feel my Back Sweating.

"Hey kid you're ...Witt?"

"Yes witt parkinson..."

"Alright. Get on"

The bus driver was what you Would expect,
the overweight Country uncle that would take you on for hay rides, White shirt, blue jeans and of course a trucker hat.

The day seemed nice, a bit chilly, clouds overhead but this weather was pretty nice for my taste.

I walk on too the steps, as soon as i looked down the aisle,
i could hear the whispers,

("Look at this New kid")

("Traped im the 90's much?")

I slowly make my way down the aisle as the stares meet my cheeks,
i feel like those people who smuggle things into the nation? And has too go through scanners, ya i was that Nervous.

"Hey kid Nice Hat"

I didnt see what was wrong with it? At first i thought it was a compliment untill i saw him snark.

"Hey kid come sit next too me "

This pretty girl with brown hair in a ponytail called me over too her seat, she lookes like one of thos girls that sneaks out to go mess around at night,
She had ripped short shorts on and a tank top with a red flannel on.

*walks down too seat*

" ya bro! Nice "
A group of overly confident guys...who you could tell were popular, laughed.

"Why do you have to be Such a...  luis"

"Aww. Little sucker protecting the new kid?"


I get up once my things are on my seat.

"Thank you..."

"No problem just...try to not embarrass yourself"

It was a long awkward silence between me and her.

"So... what are you into?"

"Well.. im really into Astronomy

"Ahh... so a space nerd"

"Im not!..."

I hate when people call me a nerd,
I started to raise my voice when she said that untill i realised what i was doing.

"Im not a Nerd i judt like the fact we're Surrounding by Huge balls of fire that can explode at any moment and End human life"

She started laughing a bit too hard.

"Well im Charlie"

"Nice meet ya, im witt"

The bus started too slow down as i realised alot of the people seem ..into their own groups,
Their was the jocks,
The musicians and everyone in between.

Those guys that tripped me started to get up, they made their way down the aisle and eyed me,
Everyone started to get off the bus and it was time for me.

I made my way down the bus and off the stairs and noticed how big the school was, sort of like a college campus...just a bit smaller and reserved.

"Hey let me see your scedual?"


"Hmm.. seems we have drama...and Writing together "

"Oh...well. can you tell me where room 320 is?"

"Ya. Thats our writing class dude"


After a few steps of awkward silence i was about to speak untill she beat me too it.

"You dont talk much do you?"

"No...i just dont have much too say"


"Nothing really is Exciting, and when i do speak people get bored so quickly they Rather be Dead"

She stared at the Ground, and i realized already she finds me weird, after a treacherous hallway we made our way and walked inside class.

Witt ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now