Joining the Boys

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              Four hundred eighty four years. That's how long Taron has been the devil's bounty hunter. It was rough at first but he got used to it. Somehow

Taron was in his apartment in New York. He was watching a talk show featuring Homelander which made him roll his eyes annoyed

"What an asshole," Taron said, shutting his tv off.

Taron remembered when compound V was made and he knew that no one should possess that kind of power. Yes it was hard for Taron when he first became Ghostrider to control his powers but he had years to perfect them. Young kids are injected with this drug so parents can have a Supe kid to brag about to their friends or to get money

Taron stood up from his couch and went towards his kitchen to make some food when he heard a knock at his front door, he answered it to see an older woman with a bag

"Gary at the end of the hall" Taron told the woman

"I'm not here for him Mr Hemlock. I'm here for you" Taron raised and eyebrow in confusion and curiosity

"My name is Grace Mallory"

"I care because?" Taron asked while slowly closing his door

"I know what you are Mr Hemlock" when Grace said that it made Taron stop closing the door

"What are you talking about?" Taron asked Grace while glaring at her but she was unfazed by Taron glare

"May I come in?" Grace asked Taron who reluctantly let her in. Grace got a laptop out her bag and set it on Taron dining room table

"Are you familiar with the hero named ElectroShock?" Grace asked Taron

"I've heard of him" Taron replied on high alert

"Did you know that he is currently being treated because his eyes turned into charcoal but he's still alive?" Grace asked Taron

"I had no idea" Taron replied "what does some Supe have to do with me?" Taron asked annoyed

"Is this you on the security camera?" Grace asked pressing a button on the laptop

The video showed a male with blonde hair wearing a jacket with bolts on them and he was pinned against the wall by Taron in his Ghostrider form

"Please, I'll give you money!"

"You're soul is stained with innocent blood"

"I-I'm sorry! Please! I don't want to die!"

"None of your victims wanted to die. But look where they are now"

"Please...I want to live!"

"Look into my eyes!"

Taron then saw ElectroShock screaming but after a few seconds he went limp which made Taron drop him. Taron changed back into his human form which made Taron hit himself internally for not checking for cameras

"Who else has seen this footage?" Taron asked while fire surrounded him

"Just me Mr Hemlock, I have a proposal for you. I founded a group that takes down Supes, I want you to join" Grace told Taron which made the fire disappear

"You don't want to get involved with me lady. Trust me" Taron told Grace

"You could help take down supes, like you did with ElectroShock" Grace told Taron

"Look, you don't want to get involved with me and my problems lady. It'll only end badly" Taron told Grace. There was a few seconds of silence until Grace pulled out a card and placed it on the dining table

"If you change your mind" Grace told Taron while putting her computer back. Grace soon left which made Taron pick up the card and look at it

"I can't believe I'm considering this," Taron said to himself. But an hour later Taron called Grace


"You're good at persuading. So...can I join your group?" Taron asked. Taron didn't know that Grace was smiling on her end

"Of course"

(Please excuse my grammar)

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